A stock rocket called scout. Built with 28 of the finest parts, its root part is probeCoreOcto.
A Simple sattelit, with a thermomether, and a barometer, and 2 dual-use antennas.
Enough dv left to go into higher orbits.
The most of the legwork do Solid-Rocket-boosters.
the only thing you have to do is, seperate the stages and do a circularice-burn.
The whole thing is nearly self-driving,
the SRB go empty -> the Center of mass go higher -> the rocket do his gravity turn on his own…
not includet the mechjeb part. (its only for to show the dv of the rocket)
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.2.0.
the idea for that rocket came from
i know, thats realy different, but its more helpfull to have a liquid-engine to change the orbit, then a orbit you cant change.
The two Hammer-booster are needet, because i haven't a SRB with enough thrust ....