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  1. The Matrix, Sentinel (an HvP sci-fi replica) At only ten tons and 1630 parts, this "Sentinel" drone is the perfect search-and-destroy machine. If you have certain subversive biological elements that fail to integrate into your virtual reality matrix these intelligent and highly efficient living machines will ruthlessly carry out infiltration and elimination missions in the "real world."* *the real world is assumed to be the planet Kerbin, its stellar system, and associated planetary bodies. Not liable for failure to operate in a higher order reality if Kerbin is found to itself be code in a computer generated virtual reality. In addition to the Making History DLC, and (excessive) use of Tweakscale, coloring and textures are provided by Textures Unlimited and Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot. Recommend deploying only in ½ Kerbin gravity. Moderate use of autostruts secure the tentacle ends to root of craft. It stands on its own, but is still very unstable - be patient. Craft is in a fixed state and cannot be moved without Vessel Mover or like mod.
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