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Found 2 results

  1. Not sure where to post this since I'm new but I had severe performance issues with the Final Frontier mod installed under Linux that weren't present under Windows. It took me roughly 3 days to figure that out so I hope this helps somebody having the same issue.
  2. Hey all. First post here and a KSP enthusiast albeit, a newb. So to start off, I admit I have a weaker computer: a 2015 MacBook air with just 4 GB RAM and 1.6 ghz intel i5 I believe... possibly an i7. KSP ran fine at first with the usual expected occasional slowdown. I added a few mods over the last week:: EVE, Kerbal Engineer Redux, MechJeb, some other atmospheric graphic enhancements like planet shine, I can't remember them all right now but can get a list if needed. I also have placed about 10 satellites and space stations in various orbits. (I originally had three satellites for a geosynchronous orbit around Kerbin but had to increase it to 5 as a few started catching up on one another... although I thought they were are pretty good orbits). That said, in the last two days I have noticed the game slowing down more and more. I cannot tell if it is the number of craft in various orbits in the game or the mods I have installed (or the computer but I can't upgrade at the moment). While the information I have provided is sparse, what is the bigger culprit you think? Number of craft I have flying or the mods? Thanks!
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