This, the KASA space program is the log of all launches by the KASA administration the current goals of the Administration are as follows:
Launch a satlilte into a STABLE orbit around kerbin
AVOID THE KRAKEN DISTROYING THE NEW UNIVERSE (yes new save as the kraken was mean to KASA)
Map Kerbin using SCANSAT
Launch a Kerbal into space
Launch a Kerbal into LKO
Perform an EVA
Launch a Probe on a fly-by of the Mun
Launch a Probe to orbit the Mun
Map the Mun using SCANSAT
Land a probe onto the Munar surface
Launch a Kerbal on a fly-by of the Mun
Launch a Kerbal into Munar orbit
Land a Kerbal on the Mun (and retern him safely to the Kerbin [that doesnt really work...])
Mission One: SPACE I
Mission Kerbinica I
to be continued...
My station module sugeston format:
Example format:
Jebadiah Kerman has Left KASA to start a space company we don't know when he will launch his first rocket but it seems as if it will be on an island will this turn into a Space Race?
we don't Know