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  1. This one of several posts I have about the idea of a “spaceplane sandwich.” If you haven’t, please read the General Discussion post first. This vehicle is presented as a “proof-of-concept” or a technology demonstrator only . I am not claiming it’s the best spaceship ever, or anything like that. (That said the YB101, as a single plane, is by far the wickedest spaceplane I, personally, have ever built. She climbs at a 50 degree angle and accelerates like a rocket; Mach 1 at 3km, Mach 2 at 6. I actually have to nose down into a gravity turn.) As a Spaceplane Sandwich it will lift 40 tons to LKO. Granted that, alone, is nothing to write home about, but 40 tons in any size of fairing is. And the technology is very scalable. Any two spaceplanes can do this with any size of payload. DOWNLOAD HERE Typical Accent Profile (as a Sandwich Lifter): Takeoff and climb to 7km, level off as needed to breach Mach 1, resume climb as follows; attain 500m/s at 10km, 750m/s at 15km, try for 1000m/s at 20km (if not that’s OK, do not nose down), switch to LOX between 20 and 23km, Jets will flame out around 25km, cut the burn when Ap reaches 69km. During coast phase: plot orbital insertion maneuver(s), shed aero debris. I like to do what I call a “Two-Step Orbital Insertion;” First a burn just before Ap, to push Ap forward about 45 to 90 degrees around the planet and upward to about 72-74km (the Pe will be about 50km). Then a second burn at that Ap to round the orbit. If the payload has engines, you can separate the payload before the second burn and it can reach orbit by itself, with even less debris. Action Groups: 1. Toggle Jets 2. Toggle RAPIERS 3. RAPIERS Switch mode (switch to LOX at 23 km) … (reserved for spacecraft) 0. Airbrakes and fin deployment toggle;(Deploy before reentry begins, retract for areo flight)
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