I made an SSTO that simply can't climb, accelerate, and can't lift off until the end of the runway. It has 6 Rapier engines and 2 nuclear engines. It can't go over 5-6 km and can't accelerate enough to reach the thinner atmosphere level. Additionally, it's not too stable. How can I fix that?
Stages: https://imgur.com/a/m4bvy8A
Engineer's Report: https://imgur.com/a/kOADqOV
From Front: https://imgur.com/a/ryxL0X7
From Back: https://imgur.com/a/nBEfWCA
From Top: https://imgur.com/a/88hFa9h
From Right: https://imgur.com/a/hXt1Rx0
(Sorry for links it didnt inserted from photos from links)
Is this amount of wing enough