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  1. ***Some unknown forces of the Universe (the Kraken) took down to original thread. I was waiting for it to be restored, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Either way, here's the new thread!*** Interstellar Adventure Revived (IA-Revived) is a continuation of the mod "Interstellar Adventure" by @amarius1. The pack adds in a total of 5 new solar systems, each one a near-realistic representation of their counterparts in our universe. These system are TRAPPIST-1, HD 219134, Mu Arae, K2-3, and PSR-B1257+12. Throughout all systems are 6 stars, 20 planets, 16 moons, and a comet. There are also two additional rogue planets, one inspired by Planet 9. Every object is named and presented in a realistic scale - all values are comparable to Earth but shrunk down to Kerbal scale. All the planets have been given a Kerbal flare to them to make them more interesting. Whether it's in their appearances or moons (all of which are hypothetical), these objects are more interesting but still very similar to their real-life counterparts. MUST be run in KSP x64-bit! List of Objects: ROGUE PLANETS TRAPPIST-1 NIOBE-AMPHION (HD 219134/HR 8832) CERVANTES (MU ARAE) K2-3 LICH (PSR B1257+12) UPCOMING FEATURES! While at version 1.2.9, IA-Revived has quite a lot of work ahead. Here are the features coming up soon. Those in green will be in the next update (1.3.0), those in blue in near-future versions, features in orange and coming later on, and those in red are...dubious. Completing the rest of the 1.3.0 features. Completion of the Lich system. Biomes! Biomes! Biomes! Working with Sigma Binary The Kepler-47 system DEVELOPMENT STATUS (AUGUST 18th) Pre-release 1.2.9 has been uploaded to Spacedock. Development on 1.3.0 will re-continue in a few weeks, after my trip to the Carolinas and the busy end-of-summer schedule. =================================================================================================================================================================================================== Download from SPACEDOCK ======================================================================================================================================================================= Version 1.2.0 Screenshots ======================================================================================================================================================================= Kottabos Games Review (Outdated): Fun Facts/Tips: Glauce is the only moon in the mod that may be detectable in real life, if such a moon like it exists. Braciaca is inspired by a study in late 2016 proving that the majority of rogue planets are frozen, orphaned Mars-sized worlds. Morena has a pretty small SOI. It is best not to encounter it with an eccentric orbit, or else you will fly by it too quickly to be captured. There were plans to make a new moon for Selphar, named Valgoh. However, I scrapped the idea when its height map was glitching up. Barcelon may be the new nesting place of the Kraken. Be warned. All planets orbit at 1/10th the distance they do in real life. Every planet and moon is 1/10th the size they would be in real life. However, the star sizes are proportional to Kerbol as they are to the Sun in real life. All main system stars are 1/1000th the distance they are in reality. The name for Trappist-1f was partially inspired by Hurricane Irene, a tropical cyclone that proved quite a nuisance for me back in 2011. During initial development, Cervantes was known as Alcides and the planets were named Iolaus, Iphicles, Hylas, and Megara. I may use those names for any planetary systems I find in the Hercules constellation. Lamancha went through FIVE re-texturings during the development of version 1.1.0. In fact, I did ANOTHER re-texture for 1.2.9/1.3.0.
  2. do you ever have that problem where your stars from your Modpacks have SOIs larger than their SMAs? (hyperedit is a cause) well i have thought of a solution... what if you could choose which celestial bodies to Completely hide, out of reach and out of view. EDIT: i have figured out a far better way to do this. it could be and external program, to edit planet orbits outside of the game (and i don't mean editing configs directly) if someone could make a mod like this, i will greatly appreciate it.
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