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  1. I searched already... Didn't find anything of use. Is there a way to change the age of a station? I accepted a contract to place a new space station in Kerbin orbit, launched a new station and improved it, completed all the requirements, but the contract won't complete. The requirement to launch after accepting the contract will not clear. If it were a simple satellite, I'd just launch a new one. I'm on career mode though, and the required station is quite large and expensive. Antenna, power generation, research lab, viewing cupola and room for nine Kerbals. The only thing I can think of that may have screwed me over is if I docked an older ship at the station before meeting all the requirements. My game is basically stock 1.1.3. Just KIS/KAS, KAC, KER, Nav Ball Docking Alignment Indicator, and Nav Lights. No extra parts on the station beyond nav lights, and no contract configurators. Edit: apparently, the answer is "When in doubt, cheat!" I'm good with that in this case, because I clearly met and exceeded the intent of the contract. It certainly didn't mention a docking ring ;-)
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