The majestic Stearwing D45 has always been a personal favorite of mine. The forward swept wings, the dual stages, the MK2 design, and amazing abilities, all contribute to its beauty.
The Stearwing D45 features a unique two-stage design: The first stage takes it up to the edge of the atmosphere and nearly to orbital speed. The second stage kicks in just as the turbines start to flame out, and twin LV 909 rockets take it from there out to space.
The D45 carries a crew of 2 plus 4 passengers in a pressurized cabin, as well as up to 6 more in its cargo bay seats.
Vernor thrusters are located in the bay and aft sections. Press 1 (twice) to disable them before takeoff.
— Official Description
Then, Squad decided to remove it instead of editing it for the new aerodynamics in 1.1
Of course, you can always get it from previous versions, but the new aerodynamics mean it doesn't work as well. Why? Why not change it to fit the new aerodynamics? You may ask, well, Squad has its reasons.
So why not get an opinion from the public, on whether it should be brought back or not?