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  1. EDIT: I'm not using the Scatterer addon. Problem occurs with Surface FX turned off and Aerodynamic Effects on Very Low. I looked through this forum but couldn't find this. If I overlooked it, please lemme know, so I can chuck this question out/mark it resolved. Since I don't usually hang around in the altitude regime in question, and I can work around it, I'm not desperate for a fix. Would appreciate one, of course. But I'm posting this primarily because I thought someone else might be interested in seeing it. I suspect some stock part of the game may be impacted. When ascending, at 20,000m, the surface of Kerbin rips open into a big black circle - that also blots out the stock parts of the UI. It grows, and grows, and disappears at ~55,000m. During reentry, at about ~55,000m, the big black circle reappears, and shrinks and shrinks until it disappears again at 20,000m. I've observed this over a number of launches over the past few days. In fact, ever since I had managed to overcome recurring crashes by running the game in OpenGL mode. Never saw it before, not even when it would crash, so I strongly suspect it's OpenGL related. It is also, probably, mod-related, simply because of the vast number of mods that I use. However, as you can see in the screenshot and in the video, this circle will blot out all parts of the stock game - including the navball, stock toolbar, etc. But elements added by mods. Such as the AGX window, or the Gravity Turn UI, are not affected. They are not affected. Not even the little Navball Adjuster tab disappears - while the rest of the Navball does. This occurs during launch or reentry, even after flying a whole mission. At 20,000 meters, the surface of Kerbin rips open, the circle grows bigger and bigger, but at about 55,000 meters, it disappears. On the return journey, the big black circle appears at about 55,000 meters, and gets smaller and smaller, disappearing at 20,000m. When I zoom out, it also goes away. But when I zoom back in, and I'm in the affected altitude range between 20km and 55km, the circle reappears, also. In the video, I was already too high when I zoomed back in during the launch, but during the reentry later in the video, you can see behavior with the zoom. I had left the computer on over night, with the game running, before I made the video. Posting a 341 Mb output_log would not help anyone. So I've just restarted the game, same addons, and repeated this flight, same rocket, and saw the same behavior. The much smaller Output_log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TBzu3RfIOpIHnbmh5yGITL0jB-dELnv- The epic list of addons (as extracted from KSP.log, so including every little thing that's packed in with one mod or another): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1h_EF_JcJuqbJCjw_sK2-B8otK0Kec8j2
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