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Found 3 results

  1. I was wondering if Stock visuals and Astronomers were the only visual packs? I can't seem to find any others and i didn't know if they are just the only ones or they're just the BEST ones. Sorry if this is a dumb reason to create a new thread! Love you all!!!!
  2. I can only think of EVE but it needs a config, and SVE doesn't seem to work. And scatterer is broken and tried to be forked into Skedaddle but was shot down. (I predict the same will happen with the new fork of PlanetShine.) Somehow Matt Lowne got EVE and SVE to work in 1.8??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KTsdd043t0
  3. I used to have graphic mods (EVE and SVE in that case) that worked fine but I had to delete them as I updated KSP to 1.3.1. I've been trying to install these mods back, but with no success so far. When I install EVE and SVE into GameData, no patches are applied to KSP. When I install EVE and EVE configs, Kerbin looks fine in the main menu (clouds) but when I play, a white orb covers Kerbin...
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