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  1. This is the WIP progress thread for my first ever mission, Subnautika, based off of and inspired by the sci-fi survival game Subnautica. Built in stock KSP, no mods required. The Kaurora was just beginning its 6-month long exploration mission to document the newly discovered ocean moon of Laythe. Built around orbit of Kerbin, the Kaurora began its journey to the green gas giant Jool and arrived about 3 months later. The crew consisted of 4 kerbals: Valentina, Bill, Bob, and Ryley. When the Kaurora finally braked into low Laythe orbit, however, it was hit by an unidentified energy pulse. All contact was lost. The Kaurora's 2 lifepods deployed. Ryley was alone in Lifepod 5 while the other three bundled into Lifepod 4. While descending through the atmosphere, Ryley was hit on the head with a stray panel and knocked out. Hit pod safely deployed parachutes and flotation devices and landed by the shoreline of one of Laythe's scarce islands. And this is where the mission begins. Ryley must investigate the strange circumstances of the Kaurora's destruction while plumbing the deeper and darker secrets of this isolated and (so it seems) lifeless moon. The mission is still in its early stages of development, and I'll post an alpha version as soon as I get the story working (fiddling with some recreations of Subnautica's buildings).
  2. After trying out Subnautica, I realized that the Neptune Escape Rocket could be built in KSP. First, some background (in a spoiler because it contains quite a few spoilers) followed by a picture of the rocket. This is my second iteration of the design, the Neptune Escape Rocket Mk II. It was designed to looks more like the Neptune than the Mk I yet still retaining much of the same functionality. It utilizes two stages (even though the real rocket only has one) to get you off the planet and into orbit with enough fuel to spare to get you to the nearest interstellar warp gate. It includes 5 Vector Engines in the first stage, 1 Rhino engine in the second stage, and a cupola as the cockpit. The launch tower on the side allows you to enter and exit the rocket like the actual one. It is capable of getting into orbit with lots of fuel remaining. Be sure to retract the antennae before liftoff! Download link for N.E.R Mk II: https://kerbalx.com/EnderTamerz/Neptune-Escape-Rocket-in-KSP-Mk-II Stats: Part Count: 278 (lots of structural wings and radiators) Mass: 380.98t Cost: 295,588 I know there's lots of room for improvement, so feel free to leave a few tips or ideas below so I can improve on my design. Download links: N.E.R Mk I: https://kerbalx.com/EnderTamerz/Neptune-Escape-Rocket-in-KSP N.E.R Mk II: https://kerbalx.com/EnderTamerz/Neptune-Escape-Rocket-in-KSP-Mk-II The Mk I and its test flight: Thanks for viewing!
  3. I looked around the net and found no good 3d models of the Seamoth from Subnautica, so I made my own. https://imgur.com/a/ulPFh Apparently Imgur albums are broken
  4. Hello, everyone! I've never *officially* developed anything, but I'm constantly messing around with stuff, so I'm hoping this will be my first official project. For those of you who don't know what Subnautica is, it is an amazing survival game, in which you're stranded on an almost entirely ocean-based planet, in which basically everything wants to rip your jugular out. The ship is hit by a mysterious energy pulse, and that is why it crashes. I won't spoil anything else. Anyways, in the game, there is the Aurora, the (assumed) colonization ship which brought you there, three vessels, the Cyclops, Seamoth, and P.R.A.W.N., which is an exosuit, and, of course, the base aspects. This game is by far my favorite game of all time. Anyways, I hope to add these things to KSP. The underwater vessels, the Cyclops and Seamoth, could be useful on Kerbin and Eve, the P.R.A.W.N., just about anywhere, and the Aurora, for reaching other solar systems. The bases could also be used just about anywhere, and, if I figure out how to do circumstantial modeling, also as a Space Station. However, I am very new to this, and would very much appreciate any aid provided to me. I hardly even know where to start.
  5. For anyone who knows and loves Subnautica as much as I do, I would very much appreciate if someone could make it possible to build an accurate representation of the Aurora, the crashed ship, from in the game. Along with this, the base pieces, which to my knowledge, should be less difficult to also add in, but would be equally appreciated. Same goes for the Cyclops, Seamoth, and Exosuit. Now, I would absolutely LOVE to work on this idea myself, but I never got time to delve into coding, so, if anyone DOES know how to code, and would be willing to teach me, I am all ears.
  6. Voice your opinions, cons, and praises for Subnautica here!
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