I consider KER a very essential add-on to the game. However, I do encounter the occasional frustration while using it.
Specifically, the suicide burn functionality. In the readouts, I have suicide altitude, distance and dV all showing in my surface tab. I use the suicide burn distance to judge when I begin my suicide burn, am I right in doing that? In atmospheric landing, the velocity cancels out much quicker than my reaching the ground (usually cancels at around 500m). And for non-atmospheric landings, the suicide burn distance goes into the negative although I've started my retro-burn, causing me to crash (very frustrating)
I resort to you kerbonauts for help, since I would love to get a handle on the suicide burns. Right now, I just have the vessel acceleration readout, and I get the maneuver burn time readout. Creating a maneuver node at the approximate landing spot to cancel velocity, I know how much dV I'll approximately need. The 'Time to Surface' readout gives me a baseline for when to begin my retro burn, giving between 5 and 7 seconds delay between the 'maneuver burn time' and the 'time to surface' depending on the engines I have aboard to get close to doing one perfectly.