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  1. Hello, I'm new to the forum. I wonder if someone could please help me with a graphic/visual bug I have when inside the VAB or SPH hangers? Ive searched the internet high and low but cant find a solution as it seems to be very uncommon. The problem/bug is that the terrain (the ground) on the "outside scenery" of the hangers is missing and I see only sky (with the exception of the runway and launchpad floating out in emptiness). I can send a screenshot if you want but not sure how. I recently upgraded to KSP v1.3 on steam and after much hard work finally managed to get all the mods I find necessary to work. Here is a list of everything in my GameData folder; - BoulderCo - Chatterer - CommunityCategoryKit - CommunityResourcePack - DistantObject - EasyVesselSwitch - EvironmentalVisualEnhancements - KAS - KerbalEngineer - KIS - Kopernicus - LightsOut (Installed this only to see if it would replace the missing terrain texture - but it didn't, so probably not a culprit) - MagicSmokeIndustries (infernal robotics) - ModularFlightIntegrator - PlanetaryBaseInc - Scatterer - Squad - StockVisualEnhancements -TextureReplacer (for diverse kerbal heads only) - TriggerTech (alarm clock) - TweakScale - ModuleManager 2.8.1.dll + a few modulemanger config files I also use CKAN to install mods (except for scatterer). I'm running KSP on a Win10 Asus laptop with core i5 processor and GeForce GTX 950m graphics card (Ive made a custom graphics settings profile for KSP in Nvidia control panel after trouble with antialiasing, vsync and vertical screen tearing). Not sure but the issue seemed to occur after I installed scatterer (the most recently installed mod - aside from LightsOut), which is apparently not available for v1.3 on the official mod websites (at least the version they have didnt work for me) but I manage to find a version that stated it was 1.3 compatible and it seems to work fine so far. The rest of the mods were installed with CKAN which states that they are 1.3 compatible. It also "might" have happened after I installed textureReplacer to get Diverse Kerbal Heads but, from what Ive seen, there is nothing in textureReplacer that effects terrain textures (at least Ive installed nothing). There is EnvMap folder but its empty. I also recenty moved my KSP game folder from where Steam installed it (D:/ProgramFiles (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common) to D:/KSP after I was having trouble with win10 file permissions when trying to delete mods (acces denied). I had to use safemode to move the game folder. This (and textureReplacer) was before I installed scatterer and noticed the bug. Aside from this small but annoying VAB/SPH graphics bug, everything seems to be working 100%, but I would really, really like to get rid of it as it kinda gets on my nerves. If someone could please help me I would be very grateful.
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