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  1. Fouglas FC-80 A little history about the original one A lot of you are probably wondering why im saying "the old girl is back", that's because the aircraft that this recreates/modernizes is something i created before i even joined the forums And that would be the Fouglas FC-8, the first aircraft i ever created when the MK-3 Orbiter cockpit arrived. It is also the longest lasting aircraft ever, as it still exists and still works. Tough unfortunetly the very original version doesn't exist as it has been modified and modernized 3 times if i remember correctly (when the new landing-gears arrived, when the Goliath engines arrived...etc). I also have a special version of it that im using for a project IRL, witch brings back the old solid custom landing-gears and is all around made to look like the very original...with some few added touches of-course. You can see the very original version in the Steam screenie i provided. The choice to make that style of landing-gear for some reason felt like a fine choice in those days, but now it's a little silly of-course...well, unless you get them to work with IR that is, but we all know that's never gonna happen (way too heavy). I also used it to carry my Orbiter replica witch actually never went to space. So it's also my first SCA. So, nothing all that special as far as functionality goes, but i do still have a strong attachment to it. The new one Since it was the first craft i made with the new MK-3 parts, it made sense to give the aircraft the honor of being the first craft made with the new DLC parts. The original aircraft wasn't really created for any real purpose, it was a kind of multipurpose transport with a utility-bay behind the cockpit (SAS, radars, science...etc), a passenger area, and a cargo area at the back to drop stuff out of if you want (never ended up carrying stuff there). The new one still has the same fuselage (minus the improved tail and details), so the functions are the same, minus the cargo area because it's now blocked by the underbelly wing-mount thingy. I put up a relay dish, SAS modules and batteries in the utility-bay. Actually, the utility-bay was used as a canard bay on the original. Back then wings and control-surfaces could be hidden completely inside the fuselage as they didn't actually need to be exposed to air, and since we didn't have the offset tool back then, the easiest way to hide those canards was to place them inside a cargo-bay. I wanted to keep the looks very original. The fuselage and the lifting surfaces have about the same shape and size as the original design that i created years ago. There isn't much of a "biggest change" as pretty much everything has been improved with added detail, like the control surfaces, the underbelly sponsoon...or whatever it's called, shark-fin antenna's..etc. EDIT: I have now done a new update on the craft, witch replaces the "super wheesleys" with better looking fairing based engines. I also played around with stock lighting to try and make some of the signal/warning light's that you have in real aircraft. "Super Wheesley" The big new thing that i made for this, is something that i call the "Super-Wheesley". It's a configurable engine witch has been equipped with 4 wheesleys and 6 intakes. It's easy to configure because of the new lovely engineplates: It's also a sub-assembly so i can use it on any aircraft i like and adjust all the different stuff. I tested it with the Stearwing A300, with the two Goliaths it goes a little over 200 m/s, but with two of these Super Wheesleys that are sightly smaller, the A300 goes over 300 m/s. Tough there is part count, fuel economy and weight to consider, but the engine does carry it's own fuel tough. KTJ-70 EDIT: The "super wheesley" was a fine engine, but i decided i wanted to make one of those lovely fairing based custom engines for the FC-80. Mine one is based on the more long and thin engines that you would have seen on the old 707 and DC-8 aircrafts. This new engine isn't as good as the "super wheesley" as far as power goes, but it gets the job done. And here are some more pick to show off the aircraft a little better. One note: this aircraft's pitch authority and stall speed is worse than usual, but that's just because of the way the aircraft was designed. The wings are quite small compared to the size of the aircraft, and with the new stuff, it's heavier than before. I could have made the wings bigger, but didn't because i wanted to keep it like it was. Edit: With the new engines, the performance of this aircraft is pretty bad compared to my usual stuff. I still want to keep the aircraft mostly original, the overly small wings included. New technical specs: Top speed: 190 m/s Stall speed: 80m/s Length: 50.8m Wingspan: 39.1m Height: 14.1m Mass: 145 tons Parts: 523 Download link (FC-80) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/soanlj9u0cpwkne/Fouglas FC-80.craft?dl=0 Download link (KTJ-70) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ex3wueiaxh4k1xk/KTJ-70.craft?dl=0 The KTJ-70 is a craft, not a sub-assembly. The root part is the little cubic strut, so grab it from there and just save it as a sub-assembly. And here it is for you, a nice and modernized aircraft for no real purpose. I hope you enjoy it
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