Exactly 8,760 hours (1 year) ago, right on the hour, I became the 153,551st member of the Kerbal Space Program Forums. Looking back, its hard to believe this much time has passed since joining (I shall assume all veteran players feel the same way). I never really expected to get this far as a forum user, KSP player, modder, and "sciencer," as @Xacktar calls it. In the 365 days since I joined, I've created several planet packs, visited Jool, found almost 2 dozen potential planets, summoned the Kraken, killed a lot of Kerbals, started an exoplanet-hunting group, discovered an asteroid, found the density of a Planck Star, got hit by two hurricanes, helped stop the "Dres War," got 16 followers, gained a 9/10 rep-post ratio, scienced/calculated the %$&# out of EVERYTHING, and made unnecessarily long speeches about stuff. Oh wait, I'm doing that now. Thanks to those who have supported my mods and my overkill research over the past year, and I'm glad to be part of this community.
As a reward for getting through that, crack this code to find out something cool!