so I have a mission I'm building called Kartemis (Artemis is an actual Greek god, I don't know of what...) and I'm building a mothership for a mission to duna, it has 5 landers, 4 unreusable Duna Landers for a total of 20 kerbals landing on duna, they have an Mk1-2 cockpit with a Mk2 lander can on the bottom, and I have 12 kerbals going on the mission, so 1-10 will land on duna twice, and 11 and 12 will land on ike once, so that makes everyone have a fair landing, and that's the plan at duna, when we get back, standard return, enter orbit, send up return vessels, repair, off to jool or eve, who knows, but this is about DUNA!!
I'm having trouble with the Delta V issue, currently, I'm having maybe 5 modules of 4 of the biggest Mk1 fuel tanks, so it goes like this Mk2 to Mk1 adapter x4, Longest Mk1 fuel tank, Mk2 to Mk1 upside down, relatively simple, so I don't know...
the trouble is that the Delta V always goes down when I add fuel, and I can never get above 4000 Dv, so its hard to get up, and I think its adding the fuel from the landers, so I'm not sure, do I have an asparagus staging like a rocket but with docking ports for the fuel, do I have it with nuclear? Ion? elephant? just random questions on building a mothership for a mission to duna
if this is in the wrong thread, just move it mods!