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Like if they could be edited by multiple, certain people. So here is how it works: When the OP wants to make such thread, a notification is sent to the chosen users, although there couldn't be more than 8. In this notification there will be a link to the thread and decision whether you are going to participate or not. In case the user is going to join such thread, he is able to edit the thread.
Heya Kerbs, it's that time of the month again where I flood the forum with stickies showcase your threads, after all it's you girls and guys who make this forum what it is Joining me this month in choosing top threads from around the forums are... @Mrsupersonic8, @Speeding Mullet, @UnusualAttitude, @Draconiator, And @Spaceception! First up we're in the Spacecraft Exchange, but not with a ship, instead we have @Columbia's much needed guide to posting craft on the KSP forums! In Challenges we have @icedown and his Heavy SSTO efficiency challenge, bro do you even lift? @inigma joins icedown in Challenges this month with his air superiority challenge! (submitted before but missed out) and comes with an intro video by Draconiator! I have two entries from Fanworks this month, first @Pine amazes us with his artistic skills, redrawing screenshots in a bright, colourful and I'd say Kerbally way. Followed by a Perfect Tomorrow, by @Creature! And a brace of Elcano threads (that means a pair or two, not a couple ) from Mission Reports, starting with @Maverick_aus on Kerbin... And @HoloYolo a little further away on the furthest planet, Eeloo! Daring to enter DYJ's dominion we find @NecroBones with a pachyderm propellant plume propulsion platform plugin! And doubling up one more time this month, here's two Science threads I could not choose between, so check out @FreeThinker's thread on Mun, er I mean Moon. And @ProtoJeb21's thread on searching for exomoons! And finally we have @flyboy67109, asking us what hobbies we have besides KSP That's all for this TOTM, see you next month! Last months TOTM, you'll never be forgotten Felipe.
WooHoo! It's April 1st so it's time for new threads of the month! I've scoured for some top threads this month and have had a few submissions, @Snark and @Just Jim have provided a few threads this time, if you see something you like for the next TOTM let me know! In no particular order we start with new member @Butterbar's Mission Report thread From Humble Beginnings. It already has people clamouring for more, so check it out! From Fanworks comes 2001: A Space Absurdity by @purpleivan, great work with the craft Ivan! We all know that explosions are great, but sometimes you just want fire!, enter @kimiko and the N.A.N.A Wildfire mod, this is hot stuff! From the Spacecraft Exchange comes @Daeridanii, another new member with an awesome "vessel", on me ead son! While this is from January it's still a great thread, @ZooNamedGames has brought a load of players together in the Lounge in his Real Space Program! In Suggestions comes @Alshain, it's an older thread but it's something I feel is long overdue in KSP, better control over the orbit node. Maybe HarvesteR will see this and agree? Maybe @Vaporized Steel wasn't the best person to post a thread on the ISS burning up, but he's sparked a long and thoughtful discussion, take a look below. @scribbleheli asks if anyone has built a Bad-S PC in anticipation of 1.1, what's been on your shopping list? New member @IonStorm from the OSIRIS-REx team supplies this months challenge! Can you recreate the OSIRIS-REx in KSP? There's only one way to find out. That's it for this month, check out last months TOTM here!
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All right, so many of us have watched the 2015/3/24 Squadcast and seen what the current state of the game is re: multithreaded PhysX. As is known, Unity 5's PhysX 3 implementation allows for multiple physics threads. The discussions happening on this board for the past several months have been about whether there was a possibility that single vessels could be spread across threads, and the general consensus was that no, they could not. The squadcast pretty much confirmed this; single vessels are indeed individual threads, and new threads are spawned when vessels undergo separation in the flight scene. It also showed a major problem with this: complete game freeze while the (new) threads are prepared. On KasperVld's not-junk gaming laptop a 650-ish vessel was split into a rocket and launch tower, and took 45 seconds to prepare and spawn the new threads. Another significant freeze of 15 seconds was also encountered on booster separation. Further staging events (what I would call "reasonable" part counts) showed no noticeable freezes. Now, the vessel being shown is pretty excessive, and Kasp is on a laptop. But his laptop is a powerful gaming laptop, and even small freezes during gameplay are quite immersion-breaking. Especially on less-powerful older systems that many of us may have. So - we who are not the developers, how do we think they should approach fixing this, and how can they? I have three different thoughts on the matter, but I'm not really knowledgeable about multithreading, or about Unity/PhysX thread handling in particular. But here goes: Code cleanup. Don't worry guys, it'll get better. Just wait. It could be simply that the current state is running in a non-optimized manner for pre-release, and small things will be done to speed up this simulation step. I don't have high hopes for this, at least for the 1.1 release; after all, they've been workng on the Unity 5 port for nearly a year, and I'd expect low-hanging fruit to be picked by now. But one can always hope. Delay thread splitting. I'm sorry PhysX, I'm kinda busy right now. Vessels are running just fine on a single thread prior to a staging event, and from experience, we know that KSP vessels run just fine on a single thread after staging events, too. It may be possible to prevent PhysX from splitting the objects into separate threads immediately and wait until we have more time to let it happen. Figuring out when that good time is, however, is another problem. But once vessels are in space and no longer thrusting or under atmospheric forces things are much less time-sensitive and we can better afford to be inconvenienced by this. Pre-stage threads for separated vessels. I can see the future. Trust me. The problem with trying to split a single vessel across threads is that information has to be shared in two directions between threads, which is slow and cumbersome. Also, if a vessel can break up in an arbitrary manner, there is no way to predict the best way to split the parts up. However, we have an ace up our sleeve here - the staging list is well-defined. We know which parts will go to which threads beforehand. It may be possible to prepare these threads while the stage prior is active, and only have to copy the state of the appropriate part nodes to them rather than having to stop and wait while the new threads are created from scratch. We don't need to worry about two-way communication for this; the child threads are strictly slaves to the previous stage thread. Ideally we only have to do this for the next staging event if these threads can be created in the background. Now, as I stated before, I know very little about multithreading besides what's been discussed on this forum, and next to nothing about PhysX, so what I'm suggesting may be completely impossible. It's also possible that some of this is already happening and the process is just that slow. But I'd sure like to hear the thoughts of those of you more knowledgeable than me! Because while the vessels I saw in the Squadcast are excessively large and complex, the freezes are a little scary. And if there's anything that can be done to mitigate that, even if it's a little more processor intensive, it would make me very happy. TL;DR: Staging can freeze the game. Can it be fixed? I'd rather have a slowdown than a freeze.
Helloo everyone! It's the start of March, so it's time to sticky some new threads from around the forums and bring your attention to some great stuff in our community you may have missed. It's an eclectic mix this month, with some old threads thrown in that I have wanted to feature for ages. So without further ado we're starting this TOTM in General Discussion with @Panichio's thread on people who joined in 2011, where we learn what some of our earliest members think of KSP. Next we have a tutorial on the importance of the center of mass and center of lift from @Val, this is sure to help some people with their spaceplanes, as it's still common for players to have issues re-entering due to neglecting to take their CoM shift into account. This. Is. Awesome! @Azimech is know around the forums for his amazing mechanical creations, but sometimes he lets himself indulge in more whimsical craft design, and this time he geeks out with an all-stock, flying Starship Enterprise, joined by the Reliant, with a guest appearance by the Klingons! Our challenge this month comes from @SpaceplaneAddict, he asks us to show the loneliest celestial body some love, so get out there and show Dres how much you appreciate her clearing up those asteroids! Unless, of course, you know that Dres does not exist... I can't remember if I linked this next TOTM before, looking back I was not able to find it, so I'm doing it anyway! Witness @Space Scumbag's amazing recreation of Mad Max, Mad Jeb Fury Road! It's just like the movie! From Mission Reports comes the harrowing saga of Emiko Station, penned by @Just Jim, "Is This The End?". We have @lobe to thank for the Science thread this month, with his discussion on what my be the only real way we'll reach the stars, oh and it involves huge explosions so it's a win win! Late addition! @Exclipse, is working on a great little 2D KSP-esque game called Asteroid Initiative, where you can build rockets from parts, fly to (and crash on) other planets. Take a look, and maybe give him a vote on Steam! And finally, how could I not feature the biggest thread in recent weeks?, give a big hand everyone to @inigma and the Spacedock dev thread! That's all for now, see you next time on the Kerbal Space Program forum Threads of the Munth! See Januaries TOTM here ! See Februaries TOTM here!