The KSP forum moderator's team presents the 2021 Thread of the Year
The year 2021 has seen a lot of ups and downs. While some parts of the world are celebrating the arrival of the new year, the moderation team wanted to take a moment and reflect back on what we felt were some of the best threads of 2021. Yes, there were a lot of good threads to choose from, but only one could be the 2021 Thread of the Year. The thread we chose stands out above all others for a variety of reasons. This year's thread of the year is "Kerbal Space Program 2 Knowledge Repository," by @The Aziz.
If you have not visited this thread and you are curious about what may or may not be a part of Kerbal Space Program 2, @The Aziz has carefully been catalogued. Since the inception of the thread, The Aziz has listed:
Each thing known about the new game version from both official releases on this forum and various promotional conference releases is included and listed according to what it reveals about the game.
A well-maintained and updated OP as new information becomes available.
Screenshots and official pre-release images, when available.
Sources for each bit of KSP2 knowledge are listed.
Thank you, @The Aziz, for providing the KSP community such a valuable thread.