Hello all.
Today I would like to present you TOWER CRANE built from stock parts (only winches and connector prots are moded). Crane is able to lift up to 20t.
Very usefull for loding probes into shuttles on launchpad. In missions "build new unnamed proble for... and set it on arbit" KSP will not allow you to load in VAB any probe into existing rockiet or shuttle, probe will be named as your previously builded shuttle/rocket. My solution is to spawn probe first move it then spawn shuttle/rocket on launchpad and load it now. Then it is posible to send two different ships and pass "unnamed probe" mission at once.
Technical informations:
Parts: 434
Mass: 138 t.
Height: 43m.
Widh: 36m.
Lenght: 11,6 m.
Just look and enjoy the movie.
Craft file: http://www.filedropper.com/cranemamooth