Okay, I'm starting to tire of minimalistic SSTO designs. Sure, they're impressive, but they're impressive in their own way. I miss people creating rockets so large that the game would become a slide show, and I miss the intricate stagings of those rockets (As a bonus, add some non functioning stages, explode them somehow maybe, if your rocket is truly overkill, it should function without it). This isn't really a challenge challenge; It's more of a challenge of your creativity. SSTOs are allowed, but the must be BIG!
(I have my own example here: (COMING SOON))
So, the main rules are:
1: Must be over 100 parts
2: No mods, I like seeing stock things.
3: Shouldn't be a replica of any existing mission (can be inspired)
4: Must at least go to the Mun.
5: And finally, record a video of your mission and send it here.
Want more difficulty? Here are some of the things to make my challenge harder
Regular Rules: Just follow the regular rules, but aside from that, completely custom.
Easy: Rocket, No explosion, no non functioning stages,
Medium: Rocket, At least one explosion. No non functioning stages
Hard: Rocket, 3 explosions, 1 non functioning stage stage.
Extreme: SSTO. Impress me with everything else about it.
Hope you enjoy my "challenge" and I really hope I get a killer overkill design!