Green and Modern KSP Forum
Greetings fellow people, I made a Stylish theme for this website ( and I would like to share it to you. If you don't know what Stylish is, it is a browser extension that enables you to change the website's theme by downloading 'Styles' created by users. So first of all, once you downloaded the style, it will change the font to Calibri Light or Avenir Next for those computers that had not installed Calibri font. Unfortunately, it will override post fonts for example like this post once you had the style activated. The theme for this style is green and white.
The KSP Forum Homepage:
Example Profile Page:
Drop-Down menu
Font shown is Avenir Next.
If you want to install Stylish/Stylus extension, follow the instructions here (redirects you to Stylish website)
For Chrome users:
You can still install Stylish/Stylus on some other browsers.
The link to the style is here :
The style is still in development. If you think you found any bug or a colour that remains the original state that should be fixed/changed, please PM me. I appreciate it alot.