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Found 3 results

  1. I am going to build a base surunding surrounding valhenge. i am going to use the planetary base mod. i chalenge you to do the same. this is the first step.
  2. After refueling at Laythe, the Kerbals reached the main destination of their journey: Vallhenge. They wonder about the mysterious origins of this structure. The crew has been on the journey for more almost eight Kerbin years. (Also, it seems that 1.1.3 made Vallhenge nicer, along with the rest of the easter eggs)
  3. I just finished my longest mission ever. And it's actually the *first* time I've ever came back to Kerbin from another planet's sphere of influence (let alone two planets and four moons). The idea of the mission was to investigate strange anomalies on Vall which turned out to be way more mysterious than the Kerbals ever thought. For this mission KSC decided to refit an already proven SSTO with refueling capabilities so that it could complete the journey and come back. All in all, it took a little over 20 kerbal years.
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