Hi all,
Been poking around here for a while, and have started on a mod (which for the moment is a secret....sssshhhh :-P)
I'm making really good progress so far but I'm very very new to c#, I have some knowledge of vb.net, so the translation isn't too hard so far.
Chances are I'll have a few more questions on how to do a couple of things I need to do, but for now I'll start with.......
What I have at the moment is a bunch of objects spread around Kerbin and what I would like to do is get the straight line distance value between a Kerbal and the closest of these objects (all of the objects will be identical, so I'll also need a way to identify them, but I assume there will be a method to add a 'tag' or something to said objects, so not worried about that for the moment :)). The idea being that when said Kerbal is within a certain distance of this object a GUI window pops open.
Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction as to what to use to get this number?