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  1. Planet Pack X is a side project that I'm working on, and a very unimaginatively named project at that. It's not going to change the stock system like so many other mods of mine do, but instead it adds on to the stock Kerbol system, (though it is meant to be played with Revamped Stock Kerbol System, this is not required) DOWNLOAD Planet Pack X v0.01 for KSP 1.1.2 and Kopernicus v1.0.5 at GitHub Planets: Yekcha Yekcha is a highly volcanic moon in a low orbit around Kerbol. Odo: Odo is basically Arizona: Planet Edition. Damogroth: A frozen version of an ocean moon like Laythe. Not available yet. D1: A [REDACTED] orbiting [REDACTED]. It seems to have [REDACTED], which makes it quite strange, in a [REDACTED] sort of way. Not available yet. I have some more ideas about what I can do with this, but nothing here is set in stone: Yekcha: A volcanic world in a low Kerbol orbit. It heavily resembles Io physically, but its orbit suggests it is an analogue of the hypothetical planet "Vulcan." While currently it has no atmosphere, it will have one eventually. Yekcha is also partially inspired by the TRAPPIST 1 system, and the idea that the planets orbiting the red dwarf star may be more reminiscent of "fat Ios" instead of planets. Odo: A planet that is mostly deserted, but with a few isolated rivers and lakes. Although not representable in Kerbal Space Program's terrain engine, the planet does canonically have quite a lot of underground pockets of water. It is also low density, and is almost uniformly composed of silicates with little to no ices or metals other than those bound to the rocks themselves. Damogroth: A planet in a distant orbit. It has frozen water oceans and a relatively thick oxygenated atmosphere, implying that there was life on the planet not too long ago. But wait a minute, this thing is in a really distant orbit. How could life have ever formed? (It's name may or may not be a portmanteau of Damogran and Hoth. D1: While it has never been observed directly, small wobbles in Damogroth's position could only be explained with the presence of a small moon in a low orbit. Either that, or it's a telescope fault, but hey, the public likes moons! Optional config to replace Laythe with Yekcha and move Laythe somewhere else, perhaps as a Kerbin trojan? Absolutely no new gas giants and moon systems around them. Planet packs need not orbit a central hub planet. I'm really trying to break away from the cliche Gas Giant and Lots Of Moons that seems to be so prevalent in Kopernicus mods. And to be honest, I can totally understand the reasoning for gas giant systems, and think that they can totally be a reasonable way of populating a system with interesting planets. And after all, if you have put a gas giant somewhere because you need the gas giant to complete the system, then you had better add moons unless you want the planet to be boring. A sort of Callisto analogue that may or may not be orbiting Jool: Because of how much Callisto seems to resemble a sphere map of a space skybox, I want to make use of this map of the Interstellar Wormhole. Planned (but not implemented) Mod Support: Uncharted Lands: Planet orbits will be moved and descriptions changed to match the tone of the system. Outer Planets Mod: Damogroth will be moved out past Neidon instead of out past Jool. Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered: See Uncharted Lands. Revamped Stock Kerbol System: The mod is designed to be played with RevSS. If installed, Eve will be moved inward to make more room for Odo. The Joolian moon Gobe will be moved to orbit Odo as well. Galactic Neighborhood: This will be in the same system that the Kerbulus mod will exist in. Odo will be in a binary orbit with Kerbulus, making it resemble a sort of a Kerbal Remus. (I only just now found out that in Star Trek canon, Romulus and Remus are not actually in a binary orbit, but darn it I'm gonna put them in a Binary Orbit anyway.) Stock-Alike Solar System: Everything except for Yekcha will be disabled/removed. Will replace the LavaLaythe Io with Yekcha. In fact, that's actually why I initially created Volkin (now called Yekcha). Sigma88 has said that he likes to implement planets in places where they're not designed to look like their counterpart, so I don't think we can expect that to be a default feature of the mod. Real Solar System: Not sure why you'd want this in Real Solar System, but nevertheless, I will include compatibility for RSS. A 10x scale resize and a repositioned orbit for all of the planets.
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