Alrighty, so this is just going to be the impromptu thread for all things involving my upcoming story. I'll probably add some more stuff later on, but for now I just need a nap...
So here's some info.
After the Battle of Kerbin, Jeb left Kerbin and is now living on [REDACTED]. On a routine cargo delivery, the delivery person runs into a local gang, stuff happens, Jeb is discovered, blah blah blah, Kerbals find a new planet, new planet wants land, new planet declares war on entire solar system, so on so on.
Here you can ask any question (As long as it involves this or any previous story), and if you know the answers to someone else's question, feel free to answer! (I normally take a 2-day sabbatical from the forums every weekend). So relax! Chill out here, plop down in that beach chair there, grab a smoothie and let the fun begin!