A new mod that features two lasers, one of them in the microwave spectrum, and a way to target them.
Starfire: maser (microwave laser), comes with extreme power, and crappy textures!
Skybolt: a visible laser, but less powerful than Starfire laser, plus the bad textures! (sorry i'm a beginner)
Hobnail: a small laser for SSTO-s and spaceplanes. (.65m) There is a bug though, it is .65m in the VAB/SPH, but when launched, it is 1.25m I edeted the scale inside the part config file. I that the problem.
Modified FLIR ball:
Zooms: 1, 3, 15, 40, 100, 1000, 10000
perfect for orbit-to-ground
Have fun blowing up stuff!