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Is this possible: VAB/SPH Layers?

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A very frustrating problem when building ships is selecting the correct piece and sometimes getting that piece to connect to the correct alternate piece.

One thing that would make this a great deal easier is too have a layering system.

In VAB/SPH if there was a GUI menu that had 10 buttons that could be selected one at a time or in multiple by holding alt and clicking or unclicking a button. This would set what layers are active and on selecting an item to attach would set that item to those layers. Each Item would also have 10 buttons in its right click menu that would work the same setting what layer(s) it was assigned too. Only items on an active layer could be selected

There would also be a toggle button next to each layers GUI button that would let you toggle whether a layer was obscured, which would make all item on that layer become mostly transparent.

Finally there would be 10 more buttons that could be selected to assign what level(s) of items the current selection can snap too. Items not on an active layer could be connected too.

I'm not sure if something like this is even possible as a mod so some input would be helpful at this point. If it is possible I would probably see what I could do to implement it although it may take me quite a bit as while I'm fairly proficient with python I have no idea how to use unity or c# (I believe those are what I would need to use for this). If it is not then I will make a post on the suggestions part of the forum.

Any input would be appreciated on if it is possible or the idea itself.

Thank you

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I personally feel this adds an unnecessary level of complexity to craft building, as one would have to keep track of which layer each part is built in, as well as moving objects between layers.

Alternatives available in the existing game include:

- Re-orienting / zooming your building view in the VAB/SPH to focus on the parts you want

- Split up complex projects into simpler subassmblies that can then be put together to make the final desired vessel

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I agree something like this could make life easier as things get more complex and you end up with multiple rings of craft and trying to place items on the inside stage but then again it's a balance thing.

Instead of adding another organizing scheme could you do something like this more simply using the current staging system?

Thinking add a checkbox to each staging widget so that when ticked the stage would ghost out and not except new parts.

If you turn off the stage with root part then the closest visible part could become temporary root so that it all moves together.

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I agree something like this could make life easier as things get more complex and you end up with multiple rings of craft and trying to place items on the inside stage but then again it's a balance thing.

Instead of adding another organizing scheme could you do something like this more simply using the current staging system?

Thinking add a checkbox to each staging widget so that when ticked the stage would ghost out and not except new parts.

If you turn off the stage with root part then the closest visible part could become temporary root so that it all moves together.

I don't think that root part inheritance is needed for this function.

Just a simple "eyeball" gizmo on "5" next to "root".

Enabling this widget lets you left-click parts to turn them into ghosts, right-click unghosts parts.

Ghosting/unghosting also affects any child parts, so ghosting the root node would ghost the craft, right clicking the root node would unghost the whole craft.

Ghost parameters like translucence and color is configurable in the menu for VAB options.

Edited by KrazyKrl
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