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King of the Hill


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>virus.takeover 19% upload

>poo hit

>virus.takeover 100%

>execute remove.ax1212.exe


>hill.makeking sesni345

My hill.


>execute hill.removeforeignobjects


>hill.makefortifications.exe startup

>hill.makefortifications.exe started

>hill.makefortifications.exe complete

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>ax1212 recovery program initiated

>ax1212 recovered

>starting poo removal program

>error there is to much poo

>starting EMP for no reason whatsoever

>all systems in a ∞ radios shut down

>all systems in a ∞ radios are starting self destruct sequence

> all systems destroyed

>setting up interdenominational firewall

>setting up time traveling firewall

>HA no more computer nonsense.jpg

>starting self destruct sequence and executing whoever came up with this idea

>whoever came up with this idea executed

>self destruct sequence 80%

>self destruct sequence 90%


my poo filled crater

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> execute "mikeman7918virus.exe"

> ERROR: a fatal error has occurred that could completely destroy the reputation of the developers of this operating system

> hiring assassin... 100%

> assassination of designer225 complete

My hill.

Edited by mikeman7918
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