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King of the Hill


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A group of indigenous people put a claim into the government about this hill being a sacred site

The legal battle rages for years and you run out of money

The tax department sells the hill to recoup back taxes from you

No one is certain who owns the hill

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After nearly a decade of back-and-forth debate, it is decided that the hill shall be put up for auction to the highest bidder.

I bid twenty dollars and nobody bids any more.

My $20 hill.

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I diplomatically enlist the help of contractors and lawyers to propose that your Iron fort is out-of-date, eventually leading to a 50-50% stake in the hill between myself and Tobbzzzz, where I promptly destroy the iron fort and make a steel one in its place. Out of anger, Tobbzzzz leaves.

My steel-forted Hill.

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>Restarting server... -F8

>Select option -repair

>Starting repair manager...

>Repair manager started. Loading mirror...

>Mirror loaded. Repairing OS...

>OS repaired. Restarting...

>Loading OS...

>OS loaded.


>Loading hillServer...

>Server loaded!

>C:\Windows\System32>ban.exe -ban Tobbzzzz

>Tobbzzzz is banned from server.

The hill have been restored and Tobbzzzz is banned from the server.

No one's hill, because Tobbzzzz is already banned.

(OOC: Do NOT, in any circumstances, destroy the hill in any way.)

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Another bunch of quantum nonsense rocks the hill and the hill becomes... still your hill.


I send my top researchers to investigate, and determine that the best way to claim the hill is to let the Kraken feed on the quantum nonsense the next time it occurs.

My hill.

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I somehow escape the kraken that was attacking me and I use MOAR BOOSTERS to propel the kraken towards the hill to take it over. I then realize that I cannot take the hill if the kraken is on it, so I just deem it not my problem and leave.

Kraken's hill.

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