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King of the Hill


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I drop another Rod from God onto the frozen hill, blowing Mikeman off his (now shattered) hill and onto one in the next county, where he is no longer of my concern.

I then reclaim the wreckage of the hill, rebuild it, but do NOT claim it as my own, instead lacing it full of claymore mines and other assorted traps.

No one's smashed, rebuilt, and booby-trapped hill.

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I use my jet-pack (yes I was wearing one before I was blown off the hill, deal with it) to fly back to the hill, I use a robot army to trigger all of the booby-traps and then I use the hill as a base for my top secret research.

My hill with a secret research lab.

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Luckily I was wearing a w axis proof vest and so I use my secret flying bathroom to return to the hill and take over the research lab with my trusty Gatling gun pants and while in sen lab I create a toxin so poisonous it makes the earth itself fart sending the hill into deep space.

My deep space hill

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> C:\WINDOWS\System32>realitycheck.exe

> Loading realitycheck.exe... 100%

> Loading complete!

> Select Option: (C = perform reality check, O = option, and Q = quit)

> C

> Checking using reality... 100%

> Found 2 unreal entries: MaverickSawyer.dat and TARDIS.dat

> Removing entries... 100%

> Entires removed. Time taken: 32m14s.

I performed a Reality check. You and your TARDIS is removed.

No one's hill, as the guy with the TARDIS is deleted from the server.

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I appear in the new universe for no apparent reason and I secretly steal the TARDIS, replacing it with a porta potty.

My hill and TARDIS.

EDIT: Ninja'd, here is my new post:

I appear in the new universe for no apparent reason, unaffected by the reality check, and I take over the abandoned hill, putting a porta potty there for some unknown reason.

My hill with a porta potty (which might be bigger on the inside)

Edited by mikeman7918
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>execute: mikeman7918.virus

>downloading mikeman7918.dat... 100%

>downloading mikeman7918firewall... 100%

>ERROR: designer225 is interfering!

>compiling error log as "designer225.log"

>overwriting existing file "designer225.dat"

>changing hill.owner to "mikeman7918"

My hill.

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>downloading notavirus.virus

>error computer crashing

>executing mikeman7918

>mikeman7918 dead

>error giant poo is falling from the sky

>executing emergency giant poo is falling from the sky protocol

>emergency draining of bank the accounts of everyone but ax1212

>eating a sandwich...

>getting back to work

>arguing with coworker...

>getting fired

>finding a new job

>job found, hill owner

>claiming hill

>eating another sandwich

>executing spambot.exe

>ax1212 banned

>ax1212 unbanned

>ax1212 making sandwich

>poo falling progress 60%

my hill, with poo about to hit it...

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