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Having some issues with my vtol fan part.

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1. Is it possible to create an effect on engine shutdown where the thrust gradually decreases as opposed to instant 0 thrust? engineDecelerationSpeed does this when running, but when the engine is "Shut Down" or "Toggled" the thrust goes to 0.

2. (Fixed: Was missing the Resources folder in FireSpitter) The FSplanePropellerSpinner module is not working on this part, and I can't figure out why.. I believe that the propeller spinner object (FanHubSpinner) is supposed to be +X facing out, which I have it set as. But I'm not sure.


3. Is there a way to have an animation start on engine activation and deactivation? Right now the forward fan part above has a separate button to open the doors, when I would like to open and close then based on the state of the engine.

4. ​(Fixed) All of a sudden the other rotating nozzle jet in the same folder does not show up in game anymore. I did change them to use the same material so I will also change that to see if it goes back. They share a texture and have each mesh set in their configs using

model = QuizTech/Parts/Engine/Mk2vtol/partName


Sorry that I have lots of questions XD

Edited by Quiznos323
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