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orbital algebra


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let O(eccentricity, semimajor, inclination, AN, AoP, MA) be a function that returns an orbit while those parameters are the six elements of it.

let N(v(prograde, radial, normal)) be a function that returns a manuever node according to a given manuever vector.

the product (N,O) returns the new trajectory of the spacecraft if the given node is activated at the given location in the given orbit.

how do i know what the new trajectory is by activating the product?

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easiest would be to calculate x,y,z,vx,vy,vz out of the current Orbit O.

Then calculate delta_vx,delta_vy,delta_vz out of your manuever N

Then just add the delta_v values to the v values.

Then calculate the new orbit O_new out of x,y,z,vx_new,vy_new,vz_new

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