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SpaceK Official Mission Log

KASA Space

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Here, I will be posting an official log with the mission's intent, and outcome.

You can see some updates at my twitter

Last updated: February 21, 2015 (01:14 EST)



  • Name: MapSat I
    Location: Kerbin, 105km polar orbit
    Active: Yes
    Mission: Start a scan of the lands of Kerbin for more accurate landings
    Outcome: Partial Failure - probe placed in too low of an orbit, and cannot receive optimal spectral scans.
  • Name: MapSat II
    Location: Kerbin, 500km polar orbit
    Active: No, planned
    Mission: Complete multispectral scan of Kerbin for more accurate landings
    Outcome: Unknown
  • Name: MapSat I D
    Location: Duna, 120km polar orbit
    Active: Yes
    Mission: Challenge; build cheapest Duna orbiter (cost: 64k funds) - map Duna's surface
    Outcome: Success
  • Name: MapSat I DI
    Location: CURRENT: Kerbolar Orbit, just out of Kerbin's SOI - PLANNED: 100km polar orbit around Ike
    Active: Yes
    Mission: Challenge; build cheapest Duna orbiter (cost: 64k funds) - map Duna's surface
    Outcome: Success

United Undivided Kerbal Space Station

  • Name: Station Core (UUKSS-001)
    Location: Kerbin, 90km equatorial orbit
    Active: Yes
    Mission: Provide docking location for station trips, refueling for deep space missions, as well as add a scientific lab in orbit
    Outcome: No failures as of yet.
  • Name: Manned Mission 1 (CTV-01)
    Location: Docked to UUKSS
    Active: No
    Mission: To test CTV 1-1A vehicle and it's ability to dock, as well as test both docking ports of the UUKSS-001 core.
    Outcome: Successful

Other Missions

  • Name: Munar Observance and Mapping Satellite (MOMSat) 1
    Location: Mun, 200km polar orbit
    Active: Yes
    Mission: Map the Mun's surface for landing spots, as well as test deeper space rocketry
    Outcome: Success (mission is not complete; Mun is approximately 50% mapped at time of writing)



  • Name: Kerbelta I
    Delta-v (without payload): 5643m/s
    Use: Small to Medium payloads to LKO, Tiny payload to GKO
    Active: Yes

  • Name: Kerbelta I Heavy
    Delta-v (without payload): 6989m/s
    Use: Medium to Large payloads to LKO, Tiny to Small payloads to GKO
    Active: Yes

Edited by KASA Space
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