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Reverser Request for Locomotive transmission (Rover wheel 3 position throttle)


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Tis a long story.. over a year ago I crashed a plane around the mountain areas outside KSC.. the pilot was jeb so required to be rescued..

any aircraft sent for recovery crashed on landing and joined the poor little sprite in his misery and isolation..

a plan was hatched to send a train....

this simple idea progressed over a year to land-trains I termed landliners.. now it seems to be taking on a more serious mod path

ive had some success over the last year progressing from jet-turbine assisted locomotives

to battery/solar powered EMU units, battery shunters and the like.. each having their own generation and progression..

somewhat using the LCC-1, sno-train landtrains as inspiration rather than road-trains

im at the stage now that ive ditched completely jet turbine assisted propulsion and im using the rover wheels as the transmission

in a crude but more realistic way to how a realworld diesel electric locomotive, landtrain.. and dump truck operate..

ive modified rover wheels to require more power.. modified jet turbines into pure alternators..

it all works wonderfully in my centrecab proof of concept locomotive ive made from mods and stock parts all changed accordingly until I can model my own

after its better refined

the one exception is im having to use my joystick throttle as a reverser.. while this is fine for me... I know not everyone these days has a joystick with a dedicated throttle..

eg.. I set my joystick throttle full way forward.. which controls the rover wheels

having no battery.. they transmit the generated power.. when voltage increases, they turn.. less RPM on the alternator means less torque to the wheels.. more RPM means more torque.... in a stunning display of how squad seemingly modeled powered-underpowered systems.. unexpectedly. it works great

the direction is easily reversed by sliding my joystick throttle backwards.. then repeating the process

I seek though a modification thats currently beyond my means..

a popup window similar to mechjeb etc with 3 settings.. forward, reverse and neutral..

that I envision would control the rover wheels.. so that then the generators can be used and transmission energised without

someone having to use a hardware throttle or hold the relevent forward key etc

if anyones got any ideas i'd love to hear it.. heres also a crude video..

my system is currently not 100% being a former server with minimal ram so I had to downgrade the video..

apologies for the random horn blasts at times... the horns are modified LV type engines.. that use the horn sound for shutdown and startup..

regretably I didnt fix the heat tollerence.. and they do have a habit of exploding when the locomotives in full warcry battling a hill as the do follow the

general throttle setting if not hit again to shutdown to prevent explosion :)

(apologies for the long video that repeats, I discovered I trimmed it wrong. .but you get the idea :)

Edited by Overland
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