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Staging View Heading

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This one really only comes up for me with landers, but it would be really nice to know where I'm facing in the staging UI. I've searched the forum and mods and haven't sussed out an answer.

An example: If I have a symmetrical lander and forgot to tag it with an orientation marker, once it's on the ground and I've moved the view around, I have no way of knowing in what direction that interesting crater to the left is so I can hop over to it. I have enough fuel to make it, but not enough if I first have to lift off and jiggle my craft around to figure out its orientation.

So, relative to the coordinates of the current SoI (or maybe just on the surface), a sort of compass reading on where we're looking would be convenient. That, combined with the navball heading are enough to tell you to "go that-a-way". I currently have NavHUD available for the sole purpose of figuring out where north is on those occasions when I want to jump over to some interesting biome.

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The Navball always is controlled with the same orientation keys.

The problem comes with whatever part you're using with "control from here". THAT part's orientation matters to the navball, and ends up being how you control your craft.

Feature request: Ability to switch control orientation (or an option to "set vertical" and "set front") via right-click on a "control from here" part.

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I think the OP is referring to the camera relative to your vessel. As you move the camera around you can lose track of which way your camera is facing. This can be especially confusing if your lander has a lot of symmetry and it's hard to remember where the "front" of it is (this can get harder the more you zoom out from your vessel too).

Some type of optional overlay that shows N, S, E, W on the ground if you're in surface mode, or the orbital markers (prorade, normal, radial, etc.) when in orbital mode. So as you pan your camera around you will see these markers in their appropriate directions and help you to stay oriented the way you want.

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