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SSTO "Xephos"- the Lamborghini of mun SSTOs


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Xephos - Mun or Minimus SSTO


One of my better Mun or Minimus SSTOs. When fully fueled, it preforms similar to

. It flies fast and easily to orbit. The average KSP player should be able to fly this into orbit, to Mun and back. If newer, you should try Minimus. I have tweaked the fuel so that it will drain from the back first and the fuel in the front will be used last. It will be always be stable now.

Action Groups

1 - Jet engines

2 - Nuclear Engines

0 - Ladder




Edited by manni01
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  manni01 said:


Xephos - Mun or Minimus SSTO

One of my better Mun or Minimus SSTOs. When fully fueled, it preforms similar to

. It flies fast and easily to orbit. The average KSP player should be able to fly this into orbit, to Mun and back. If newer, you should try Minimus. When not fully fueled, make sure to pump all fuel into the front tank. It will otherwise spin out of control. It is even a bit suspicious when the fuel is on the front, so glide carefully. I may upload a tweaked version where it is more stable after its orbital ballet. I attempted a video, but recording software pooped out a crash message rather than a video to edit.


This is seriously good looking! I would have a look at that CoM/CoL thing, probably by putting a bit more fuel on the back. That should make the CoM and CoL stay in the same place either full or empty, and that kind of powerplant can push more weight anyway. Extra points by working out a fuel routing system (all tanks feed into a single part, then to the engine), then you can have stable atmospheric flight at any fuel level.

Rune. Anyhow, at some point I'm stealing the tail idea. ;)

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  Rune said:
This is seriously good looking! I would have a look at that CoM/CoL thing, probably by putting a bit more fuel on the back. That should make the CoM and CoL stay in the same place either full or empty, and that kind of powerplant can push more weight anyway. Extra points by working out a fuel routing system (all tanks feed into a single part, then to the engine), then you can have stable atmospheric flight at any fuel level.

Rune. Anyhow, at some point I'm stealing the tail idea. ;)

I have fixed the issue. It was pretty simple. The fuel flow is now so that it drains from the back tanks first and from the front last.

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  Rune said:
Rune. Anyhow, at some point I'm stealing the tail idea. ;)

Bad Rune! Bad! Go make your own tail! :D

And you're both behind me:



Anyway, this looks really nice! Much more compact than mine.

Edited by Starwhip
I hate efficient [img][/img] tags... :)
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Could something be wrong with th craft file? the craft showed up with one jet and no rear wheels, then the editor became un-clickable and i had to restart the game... :-S

I'm on 0.90 with a bunch of visual mods.

update: NVM it was downloaded badly! x-P

Edited by Overfloater
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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Something tells me you don't use FAR..

dat intake spam doe...

I tried to hide it as much as possible. Its the shock cones, so there is amount of intakeair than with the RAM's, but same part count, same effect, just better looking. Also, Z-fighting, right?

Edited by manni01
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  Starwhip said:
I also see that you're using HotRockets: There's no mistaking the un-textured Turbojet. :P (Yeah, I use it too. :()

Nice job hiding the intakes so well... I can't see them in the screenshots.

Yeah, that hotrocket mod and its turbojet thingy. Did you have it too that sometimes the attachment node is a little farther infront than it should? Your craft is pretty cool looking, but you're proud about the amount of intakes you put on it :D

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  manni01 said:
Yeah, that hotrocket mod and its turbojet thingy. Did you have it too that sometimes the attachment node is a little farther infront than it should? Your craft is pretty cool looking, but you're proud about the amount of intakes you put on it :D

Well, that one was just a test. I usually make them nicer. :)


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  manni01 said:
I tried to hide it as much as possible. Its the shock cones, so there is amount of intakeair than with the RAM's, but same part count, same effect, just better looking. Also, Z-fighting, right?

Yeah, you did a good job. It's time like this I yearn for stock aero just I can fly stuff like this. Also, yup z-fighting. I honestly never thought to rotate them a little bit to stop it. I'm a bit simple..

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  manni01 said:
Yeah, that hotrocket mod and its turbojet thingy. Did you have it too that sometimes the attachment node is a little farther infront than it should? Your craft is pretty cool looking, but you're proud about the amount of intakes you put on it :D

Tip: Both of these problems can be solved by deleting the "emissives" folder in MP_Nazari->Textures.

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