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Made Kerbin Teeny-tiny-cutesy-wootesy. Seriously it's small.

Whirligig Girl

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There's lots of real estate in the asteroid belt... who knows what the future will hold. ;)

Normally I'd say that the densities for Asteroid B-612 are too high to exist but eh, we're playing KSP right? Impossible densities is Job #1... So yeah, maybe we will see such a thing in the future :)

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Are you using a mod that affects how Kerbin looks, alongside shrinking the planet? The water and terrain of Kerbin (while erratic) looks very nice in these pictures.

Mini Kerbin is cute.

Finally someone noticed! While I haven't done any visual modifications to Kerbin's terrain, I do have my own little modified Kerbin Texture and Mun texture to make them look (in my opinion) better. Just slight change of Hue, Saturation, Color, and Contrast. Any old dummy could do it! :)

- - - Updated - - -

When Metaphor started in with the 10% business, I was immediately reminded of this: xkcd What If #68. I still want to experience that~

I'll release my Sprinkle project soon, don't you worry!

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EDIT: Here's the link:


Edited by GregroxMun
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