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Show off your KSP Blender Renders!


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Awesome! I only have 1 question: how do I make backgrounds and stuff? All I currently have is grey panels..

Hellblazer gave a good place to start. Youtube is just bursting with all kinds of tutorials for Blender. Feel free to message me directly and I can send you a list of channels I've found helpful in one way or another.

Check sites like cgtextures.com for all sorts of free pictures you can use as backgrounds/textures. Or like the Moon and Earth pic with the probe above you can just draw the planets yourself and ad a star field behind it.

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Hellblazer gave a good place to start. Youtube is just bursting with all kinds of tutorials for Blender. Feel free to message me directly and I can send you a list of channels I've found helpful in one way or another.

Check sites like cgtextures.com for all sorts of free pictures you can use as backgrounds/textures. Or like the Moon and Earth pic with the probe above you can just draw the planets yourself and ad a star field behind it.

Heh I tried making a proper Kerbin render, but there is no bump or spec map available online. As well as city lights.

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Heh I tried making a proper Kerbin render, but there is no bump or spec map available online. As well as city lights.

For all your Blender planetary fun....



Also Blenderguru has a great tutorial on making a planet Earth in Blender. It is somewhat dated as it still uses the Blender internal render engine but he has free textures for the project.


Edited by esinohio
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Hmm, that video is pretty outdated, and I ended up with no background, even though looking through the camera it was there...

Can't find a single tutorial explaining how to do it in the newest version. There is some kind of paper option but it is just not there!

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Ahh, now you get to play around with how the background is displayed. If you go into the node setup for the background (In cycles render engine) you should see a simple image texture going into the background node, then into the World output. If you add a Texture Coordinate and a mapping node in front of the image texture you will now be able to control where and how that picture shows up.

So it will go Texture Coordinate --> Mapping --> Image Texture --> Background --> World Output

Connect either the Generated, Window, or Camera option in the Texture Coordinate to the mapping node. Then play with the location, rotation, and scale values to move your image around.

Or, an easy quick virtually full proof method to add a "background" behind your scene. Go to user preferences and then addons. Enable the Import Images as Planes addon and save your preferences. Now when you go to the import menu you will see the option to import an image as a plane. So, import a background type image and it should magically appear on a plane with the node setup already to go on a nice flat plane. Next move that plane to the back of the scene facing the camera. Boom, one easy and quick background. A very easy way to fake a background. The only problem with this method is it does not provide any global lighting to the scene. You'll have to adjust your lamps match the look of the background.

A great tutorial on using HDR backgrounds here

Lots of good tutorials on that channel.

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Thanks, also where can you get all of the textures for all of the parts? I want to export a ship model as a .3ds object with textures, but I hear the file needs to come together will all the textures used.

Hmmm. I've not tried it doing what your attempting but you might try going to the file menu, external data, and check Automatically pack into Blend. This *might* work. Not sure if that moves pointers for the textures though.

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Sadly nope :(



For some reason it doesn't want to render the sides of the cockpits.

Also I have to get rid of those annoying reflectors and figure out how to get a proper background.

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