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Kerbal star racers!

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Now I don't know how well known it really was, but a little while ago there was a pretty darn good show named Oban Star Racers, a show about racing vehicles that flew along a few metres above the ground at high speed, racing around and even attacking each other with weaponry (there was a story as well, but we're not interested in that). The point is, I always wanted to build my own racer in kerbal and having discovered kerbal foundries repulsors, decided to give it ago. But I'm not just going to leave it there. I'm challenging the forums to build their own racers, not actually for a race (*yet anyway. Once multiplayer is out we shall see :D ) but instead to show off your building skills.

If you win, you can have the kerbal equivalent of the grand prize (an unlimited amount of SRB's!)


Of course, some rules are needed. As for mods, you must hover using the Kerbal Foundries mod and no OP engines/drive systems-use your common sense for what's OP.

A point system fits best for scoring, so here we go. You'll want a screenshot for each challenge achieved.

We're at maximum speed!-One point for each M/S top speed you can reach across the plains (WITHOUT boosting-I'll explain in a sec)

Booster drives enabled!-50 points for having some kind of booster/hyper drive system. If you haven't seen the show, the Hyper drive (and later booster drive) were an additional set of engines that could deploy to provide a massive boost to the top speed at the expense of fuel. For an example, you could use Rapier engines switching to Rocket mode to give a temporary boost.

Star racers aren't meant to fly!-40 points for managing to ascend to 500+metres and come down without exploding

Here goes nothing!-100 points for replicating either Maya's flying trick (from ep 11) or Molly's airbrake spin at the end of ep 13 (vid evidence please.)

Airbrakes-20 points for being able to bring the racer to a stop while still in mid-air.

Take that alien scum!-35 points for arming your racer and hitting a large target (such as a wall, rocket on the launch pad ect.)

Target race-50 points for hitting three small (size of a single steel plate) targets in a row with an extra five for each extra target you hit. Vid evidence is good but if you're quick on the screenshots that's fine.

And now for the bonuses based on your machine:

Earth team standard-15 points for using the earth team layout (Single pod with short wings, two large engine pods. In other words, my ship)

Nobody can resist the strength of the Krog's!-20 points for using the Krog Trident layout (Single pod with three forward facing blades attached around it. Look it up, you'll find it) If it's red, have another 10 points and if you can get those lightning blades working that's an extra 100 for you!

That guy rides a bug!-35 points for an insect or bird like setup (See G'dar or Spirit)

Pyramid of light-40 points for building a flying pyramid of light style ship. It's a flying pyramid shape, I don't need to explain that.

How can something like that fly?-60 points for building a Cere's style ship (It's a little like a flying trombone and kinda hard to explain.)

My ram's horn is always half full!-40 points for building a ship like the Storm Crusher (Rush's mining ship. Bonus 5 points if it weights over 40 tons)

Minor character-10 points for a ship looking like any of the other vehicles from the cast (Ning and Skun's bikes, Flint's... train thing? And so on)

Unique-An extra 5 points for something unique looking. Go wild!

Of course it would be rude not to show my first effort, along with a good example of a basic ship. So here you go, the KSR Prototype 1!


It fits under Booster drives enabled! and Earth team standard.


Buzzing along, just thought i'd show it off in the air.


And for We're at maximum speed! it earns 131 points.

In total, a mere 196 points. You can do far better most likely so get out there and get building! I'm looking forward to the results and if I broke any challenge posting rules, let me know ASAP so I can adjust it.

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