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Exploring a Mun Arch


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What started out as a near-routine flight from Mun Station to one of the craters became a lot more interesting when Kerson Kerman spotted something rather strange out of the window.


Making a quick course correction, he headed for it. What is that thing?


Landed. Geological activity? Alien life? Portal to another universe?


Outside it was strangely dark. Things came over all "2001" with this shot.


Our fearless explorer left the craft to investigate. "It's full of stars!" said Kerson.



It's bigger than expected, and Kerson doesn't think it looks natural. Could anyone have built this?


Kerson jetpacked on top of the mysterious arch to claim it for Kerbkind. Unfortunately the flagpole wouldn't go into the rocky surface.


Gene Kerman has since negotiated with the contractor of the planned Mun base to deploy it here in order to study the arch in greater detail. Look out for Arch Base 1, landing here soon!

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