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Parts Editor - Making Sub-Assemblies the main part ?

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Maybe I've missed something here.

With a clear VAB, when loading a sub-assembly first, one cannot add any parts to it.

It seems one has to load a menu part first, then add the sub-assembly to this.

Is there any way to enable the sub-assembly as a 'first part' then stick other bit's to this ?


The Colonel


Edited by ColKlonk
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'Change Root tool' maybe it'll make things easier - I'll look at this

What I've discovered, is that you can diddle the part file (it's just a text file)

If this introduces bugs.. I'm not sure, but I've fiddled this without any problems so far

The sub-assemblies look like this

ship = 1

version = 0.90.0

description = No description.

type = Nothing ; A sub-assembly type name

size = 3.333772,15.9093,3.333769

PART ; The root of the ship/assembly is always the first item


part = cupola_4292175954

.. and the saved ships look like this

ship = 1

version = 0.90.0

description = No description.

type = VAB ; A normal rocket type name

size = 3.333772,15.9093,3.333769

PART ; The root of the ship/assembly is always the first item


part = cupola_4292175954

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Why would you make it that hard for yourself, the editor has a built in button for it?

Cicatrix has the right answer above; stick any part down as the root, stick the subassembly to it, then use the change root button (4th in the row of buttons, top left of the VAB screen, to the right of the parts list) to choose the new root part.

Does exactly what you're trying to accomplish without faffing around and risking creating bugs :)

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If you'll be starting with it; save it as a normal ship.

If you're adding it to something else; save it as a sub-assembly.

If both; then both.

I agree ship/subassembly-saving could be looked at but I don't have much trouble keeping my fleet co-ordinated. With the re-root tool being stock I find the easiest way is just to save everything as a ship then make it a subassembly when it's needed. Being able to use different folders would be my favourite addition to filing ships though.

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