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Mission Minmus! Base and craft!


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After what seems like ages since posting any new designs on the forums, I've finally decided to start back in again. I looked through a few of the showcase threads for a spot to put this, but I couldn't quite decide where it would fit. Finally, I settled on just creating a new post (hope you don't mind:)).

At any rate, to kick things off, here are some images of my Minmus Base that I've been meaning to upload for quite some time. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave comments/suggestions. Thank you!

As on overview, the base is built around a tower of mono-propellent containers. All support craft are powered by mono-propellent and therefore can be refueled from the base by docking at any one of the many docking ports located on the peripheral platforms.



My main goal when designing the base was to make it expandable. The larger docking ports are meant to hold new modules as they become available at a later date. As such, the whole concept is still a work in progress. The smaller ports are primarily meant to hold the landing/excursion craft for refueling and storage purposes.

As for the craft, here is my primary Minmus Lander design, tasked with long range Minmus exploration/crew transport.


Here is the Minmus Skimmer, meant for short treks across the green landscape or for whenever the Kerbals are feeling a bit more "sporty."


The return module consists of four, self contained escape capsules. They each have just enough fuel to reach Kerbin, should anyone become prohibitively homesick. Additionally, in the background you can see a general purpose "crane" design that is meant be used for moving modules from one side of the base to another, should the need arise. Currently, it doesn't have much use, but it can least transport multiple Kerbins around at a time.



All new craft/modules that arrive will have their descent stages powered by mono-propllent so that any remaining propellent left over after docking will be used to replenish the main storage tanks at the base for future refueling.

As I said before, it's still a work in progress, but I've enjoyed the challenge of building a module centered base on Minmus. There are still plenty of craft/modules I would like to add at a later date when I get more time. In the interim, however, please let me know what you think and feel free to post any base designs that you might have!

Thanks for looking!

Edited by Rezolution
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