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LV-1 having no thrust inpingement?

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Lately I've been doing some rotor experiments, and one of then involved firing an LV-1 onto something, but the LV-1 seems to have no thrust impingment? The exhaust is hitting the object, but no "damaged by ant engine" shows up in the F3.

Edited by Yukon0009
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The LV-1 , LV-1R and O-10 have their exhaust damage flag set to false in their part config. I suspect that this also prevents them from detecting if the thrust should be blocked.

Edited by Rhomphaia
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This could be a similar thing to the RCS thrusters. They don't damage/interact with other parts either. It might be because the thrust is too small that the likelihood of the plumes damaging the craft is small anyway, and so would be better off just not counting it.

That's my thinking, anyway.

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