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Acceleration bug or something

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So I have had this game for some time and have had very little issue. i have not played in a while and decided to hop back on. It has maybe been a few weeks or so. Anyways I seem to have an issue with the Time Acceleration. It dos not matter how stable my ship is it just about always tells me that ( i cant speed up time when under acceleration ) Even if its just a control pod fuel tank and thruster i have this issue. Also It likes to explode 80% when i accelerate time agin i can be still and this still happens. Finaly I am now having issues with "wobbling" once again it dos not matter how study ship is and even with 3 parts Any thing under control pod wiggles till it breaks. Even on long used ships that i have used for some time this happens when ive never had the issue before. Any ideas on whats going on?

Edited by Claw
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All of the things you describe are somewhat common events. Usually they are easy to resolve, depending on what is causing the problem. For us to best help you fix the issue, we will need a bit more information (so that we don't have to blindly guess). Pictures are usually enough for us to tell, but sometimes uploading a .craft or a save file is necessary. Also, we need to know if you are using any mods at all, even if they might not affect physics.

If you need help finding that information or getting it uploaded, check out this thread.

I would say, off the top of my head, it sounds a bit like you have a wobbly craft and the SAS is active. Sometimes when the SAS is active with a bendy ship, it causes it to vibrate. Which can, in turn, prevent the game from saving, time warping, or allowing you to go back to the space center (because the game thinks the ship is accelerating).



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