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New to addons and mods any help and or suggestions?


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When you download and unzip a mod, most of them will have a GameData folder inside.

In steam/steamapps/common/kerbal space program (KSP install directory, shortened to KSPdir from here on), you will find another GameData folder. You merge the GameData folder from the mod with the KSP GameData folder and the mod is installed. The final directory structure will be: KSPdir/GameData/ModDirectory (NOT KSPdir/GameData/GameData/ModDirectory)

Mods which don't have a GameData directory in the first or second level should be added to GameData instead of merged with GameData (so you end up with the same final directory structure as above)

Module Manager .dlls are the one mod that shouldn't get a folder of their own. They always reside in the GameData directory (eg. KSPdir/GameData/ModuleManager.2.x.x.dll)

Some mods also package installation instructions/readme's or have detailed instructions in the first post of the mod thread. If this is the case, refer to those as the way to install. Edited by Crzyrndm
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Good mods to start with? Let's see...


- Everything ever by TriggerAU (Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner, Alternate Resource Panel)

- Trajectories

- Kerbal Engineer Redux

- Docking Port Alignment Indicator

- ScienceAlert

- RCS Build Aid

- Stock Bugfix Modules

- Sane Strategies

- ModuleManager <--- you're probably going to end up with this automatically through installing something else, because pretty much two thirds of the modding scene wouldn't exist without it

Parts packs:

- SCANsat

- DMagic Orbital Science

- RLA Stockalike

These are intentially chosen to be sensible extensions to the stock career gameplay rather than completely going off on their own tangent. Which is fine too, of course, but probably something better left for round #2 :P

Also, you should be able to install all of these without coming close to running out of RAM.

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