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[Stock, 14.2] The Opul 1

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So, I used this craft to get to the Mun and back without the use of the navigation map, and I\'m darn proud of this thing. It has PLENTY of fuel to get up into orbit, and plenty to get you to the Mun. I plan on trimming off some fat in Opul 2.

General: For takeoff, I accelerated up to 50m/s and then cut back to 66% throttle (second big notch). First stage will get you to ~10km, I start my orbital turn about the same time I jettison it and power up to 100%. Second stage will get you into orbit, easily. Third stage is plenty to carry you to the Mun and back. You\'ll have to do a parachute-assisted powered descent coming back in, but you\'ll make it just fine.

I\'d HIGHLY recommend this craft for beginners, it\'s very stable on all axes of rotation, the joints are strong, and it\'s VERY easy to control.

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