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New aerodynamics and clipping?

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While some might consider it cheating, a lot of people use the part clipping or part offset tools to hide small things such as probe cores or reaction wheels inside of decouplers or aerodynamic nose cones.

Will the new aerodynamics system make these hidden parts count towards drag, or will they be properly occluded by virtue of being inside another part? Do decouplers and nose-cones at very least count as cargo bays?

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I think clipped parts might be counted as covered, because, things behind nose cones will be counted, and, nose cones will create a drag occlusion effect on stuff behind them. (I don't think decouplers figure into this.) If you have not seen it, this article goes into more detail on the system: Article: On Cargo Bays and Part Occlusion

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Another question.

I use offset and rotate to angle the nose cones inwards on my radially mounted boosters so they look more Soyuz ish. Will that cause problems?

I have no idea...

​Are you German...?

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Didn't they say that cargo bay occlusion works differently to part shading drag?

i wonder if they could a mechanism similar to solar cell shading.Have a unseen grid of lights on the prograde edge of physics bubble. Any part exposed to the light would produce drag the same as a solar cell produces power. Thicker atomsphere stronger light more drag. The more surface area a part has the more drag it can produce unless you point the pointy end toward space.

That's at my thinking anyway but probably full of holes.

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