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How to make planets with KopernicusTech


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I'm still stuck with it not using my heightmaps and resorting to Laythe at 60km can someone make sure I'm not missing anything because I've went through, written by hand, pasted different versions, and finally went back to the code in OP and I cannot for the life of me get it to use my files.



Stock = False
AddAtmoFx = False
AtmoWaveColour = RGBA(0.927, 0.804, 0.668, 0.0)
AddOceanFx = False
OceanLoadTextures = False
UnlitOcean = False
ModScaledAtmoShader = False
AddRings = False
AddParticles = False
DisableOrbitRenderer = False
referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.
color = 0.0,0.5,0.6,1 //RGB color of the orbit line
inclination = 69.340 //inclination in degrees
eccentricity = 0.029 //eccentricity of orbit, don't set this higher than 0.1 especially for large planets
semiMajorAxis = 10471850970 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Kerbin's
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55 //change to whatever you want
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 //change to whatever you want
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.1 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
epoch = 2451545.000 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
bodyName = 23437-4
GeeASL = 0.75
Radius = 7254068
rotates = True
rotationPeriod = 86400
atmosphereContainsOxygen = True //self explanatory, allows jet engines to work
pressureMultiplier = 0.85 //how thick the atmosphere is at sea level
altitudeMultiplier = 1 //how quickly does the atmosphere get thinner with altitude (higher number = thicker)
atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //does nothing, I think
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.85 //set this the same as pressureMultiplier
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 153503 //determines what the game says is the atmosphere height (in meters)
atmosphereScaleHeight = 10 //actually determines atmosphere height (Kerbin is 5, Duna is 3, Eve is 7. Decimals are allowed but not shown in game)
ocean = True //self explanatory
heightMap = GameData/AdvancedExploration/Textures/23437-4_height.png //Replace this with your file path
heightMapDeformity = 9401 //how tall should the highest mountains be?
heightMapOffset = -800 //If your planet has oceans, set this to a negative number. Play around until you get it right
scaleDeformityByRadius = False
modEnabled = True
vertexColorMap = GameData/AdvancedExploration/Textures/23437-4_map.png //Replace this with your file path
modEnabled = False
modEnabled = False
modEnabled = False
modEnabled = False
modEnabled = True //if you want to, set this to true on an ocean planet. You don't need it otherwise
modEnabled = False //don't know exactly what this does. It is another type of small-scale terrain bumpiness
modEnabled = False
atmosphereDepth = 153503 //How tall the atmosphere looks, how quickly atmospheric color appears as you go down towards the surface
modEnabled = True

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It wont load at all

Can someone help?

Heres the System Config




name = Hudutha

flightGlobalsIndex = 1235



name = Tylo




description = Hudutha could be a planet, too, if that planet didn't have an atmosphere. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 300000

geeASL = 0.5



landedDataValue = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 8.5

recoveryValue = 9

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 80000





referenceBody = Sun

color = 1,1,1,1

inclination = 0.3

eccentricity = 0.05

semiMajorAxis = 12000000

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60

argumentOfPeriapsis = 25

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0






texture = AngelsPlanets/Textures/Hudutha_map

normals = AngelsPlanets/Textures/Hudutha_Normal




Heres the Config





Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = False

AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False






modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




heightMap = GameData/AngelsPlanets/Textures/Hudutha_height //Replace this with your file path

heightMapDeformity = 2500 //how tall should the highest mountains be?

heightMapOffset = 0 //only necessary if you're using oceans or if you get areas below 0 elevation

scaleDeformityByRadius = False




modEnabled = true

vertexColorMap = GameData/AngelsPlanets/Textures/Hudutha_map




seed = 13245

deformity = 300

octaves = 8

persistence = 0.5

frequency = 12




seed = 637926 //change this to any random number

deformity = 100 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be

octaves = 3 //how small do you want the bumps to be

persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens

frequency = 0.8




modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




It doesnt show up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I followed this tutoriel to create my own planet, but I'm stuck at step 7. It is said that I have to open the Kittopia GUI with Ctrl P. Once there, I have to select my planet in "Planet selection". But it is not there :huh: I can select all the stock planets (Kerbin, Moho etc) but my planet does not appear in the list. Could someone help me please?

( I'm sorry if my english isn't perfect, I'm french :D)


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When I try to load my game, my gas giant doesn't show up :(. It just gives me this error message:

[Exception]: MissingFieldException: Field '.CelestialBody.maxAtmosphereAltitude' not found.

Here is my KopernicusTech File:

name = Seia //change to the name of your planet
flightGlobalsIndex = 1233 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs
name = Jool //all gas giants use Jool as template
description = This planet has swirly clouds and rings. Nice to look at but explosive to try to land on! Change this text to whatever you want.
radius = 5200000 //Jool has radius 6000000
geeASL = 0.8 //surface gravity, Jool has 0.8. Keep in mind that since the planet is bigger, orbital velocity will be too.

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach.
flyingLowDataValue = 25 //big reward for flying low at a gas giant. Just a suggestion
flyingHighDataValue = 14
inSpaceLowDataValue = 12
inSpaceHighDataValue = 11
recoveryValue = 11
flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 //limit between "flying at TutGasGiant" and "TutGasGiant's upper atmosphere"
spaceAltitudeThreshold = 3500000 //limit between "space near TutGasGiant" and "space high above TutGasGiant"
referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.
inclination = 0 //inclination in degrees
eccentricity = 0 //set this very close to zero for gas giants.
semiMajorAxis = 100000000000 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Jool's
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 //change to whatever you want
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 //change to whatever you want
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
color = 0,0,1,1.0 //RGB color of the orbit line
ScaleHeight = 10 //same as Kittopia for all of these
ContainsOxygen = False
maxAltitude = 150000
Multiplier = 22
TemperatureMultiplier = 22
lightColor = 0, 0, 1, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB
ambientColor = 0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on flying spaceships.
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Seia_map //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space
0.0 = 0.35,0.325,1,1
0.6 = 0.09,0.08,1,0.4
1.0 = 0.02,0.015,1,0
rimPower = 3 //Higher for thicker atmospheres
rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change

And my KittopiaSpace SaveLoad File:

PlanetSeia //keep Planet here, it's PlanetYourplanetname{
Stock = False
AddAtmoFx = False
AddOceanFx = False
OceanLoadTextures = False
UnlitOcean = False
ModScaledAtmoShader = False
AddRings = True //of course if you don't want rings you can leave this out
Tilt = 0 //note if you have a tilt of 0 and a low inclination of your orbit, your rings may appear black.
OuterRadius = 2700 //in kilometers measured from the center of the planet
InnerRadius = 2200
Colour = RGBA(0,0,0, 1.000) //self explanatory color of the ring.
Ring //you can add as many rings as you want.
Tilt = 0 //Tilted rings spin at the same rate as the planet's rotation period
OuterRadius = 3200
InnerRadius = 2800
Colour = RGBA(0,0,1, 1.000)
AddParticles = False
DisableOrbitRenderer = False
pressureMultiplier = 22 //atmospheric pressure at 0m altitude
altitudeMultiplier = 3 //how quickly the atmosphere becomes thinner. Higher numbers mean upper atmosphere is thicker
atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 22 //not sure if this has any game effect. May overheat craft in the lower atmosphere
atmosphereMultiplier = 22 //same as pressure multiplier
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 150000 //what it shows in map info as the max altitude
atmosphereScaleHeight = 10 //what actually determines max atmosphere altitude. Higher numbers mean atmosphere is taller

Does anyone mind tellling me what is wrong?

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I have downloaded SpaceEngine (it's awesome btw), but if I export a gas giant, i only get a black and white map, without any colors.


I exported the clouds layer, not the surface layer

Edited by Hay
Problem is solved
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I made a gas planet, but It doesn't show up, even in the KittopiaSpace menu, what am I doing wrong?

Must I use the older Kopernicus? I have another Kopernicus mod installed (KerbolPlus) and I am wondering if it would be compatible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I made a gas giant and I tried to make a ocean moon but it doesn't show up.

Here is my Kittopia SaveLoad cfg





Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = False

AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False




atmosphereContainsOxygen = True //self explanatory, allows jet engines to work

pressureMultiplier = 4 //how thick the atmosphere is at sea level

altitudeMultiplier = 2 //how quickly does the atmosphere get thinner with altitude (higher number = thicker)

atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //does nothing, I think

atmosphereMultiplier = 1 //set this the same as pressureMultiplier

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 90000 //determines what the game says is the atmosphere height (in meters)

atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.3 //actually determines atmosphere height (Kerbin is 5, Duna is 3, Eve is 7. Decimals are allowed but not shown in game)

ocean = True //self explanatory






modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




heightMap = GameData/Muh/Textures/Oceania_height.png //Replace this with your file path

heightMapDeformity = -10 //how tall should the highest mountains be?

heightMapOffset = -800 //If your planet has oceans, set this to a negative number. Play around until you get it right

scaleDeformityByRadius = False




vertexColorMap = GameData/Muh/Textures/Oceania_map.png //Replace this with your file path




seed = 101274 //change this to any random number

deformity = 300 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be

octaves = 8 //how small do you want the bumps to be

persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens

frequency = 12




seed = 637926 //change this to any random number

deformity = 100 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be

octaves = 3 //how small do you want the bumps to be

persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens

frequency = 0.8




deformity = 300 //Height of dunes or rolling hills on your planet. Looks good on Laythe or Kerbin like planets




modEnabled = False




modEnabled = True //if you want to, set this to true on an ocean planet. You don't need it otherwise




modEnabled = False //don't know exactly what this does. It is another type of small-scale terrain bumpiness




Edited by Hay
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[COLOR=#333333]So I made a gas giant and I tried to make a ocean moon but it doesn't show up.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]Here is my Kittopia SaveLoad cfg[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Stock = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddAtmoFx = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddOceanFx = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]OceanLoadTextures = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]UnlitOcean = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]ModScaledAtmoShader = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddRings = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddParticles = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]DisableOrbitRenderer = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmosphereContainsOxygen = True //self explanatory, allows jet engines to work[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]pressureMultiplier = 4 //how thick the atmosphere is at sea level[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]altitudeMultiplier = 2 //how quickly does the atmosphere get thinner with altitude (higher number = thicker)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //does nothing, I think[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmosphereMultiplier = 1 //set this the same as pressureMultiplier[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]maxAtmosphereAltitude = 90000 //determines what the game says is the atmosphere height (in meters)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.3 //actually determines atmosphere height (Kerbin is 5, Duna is 3, Eve is 7. Decimals are allowed but not shown in game)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]ocean = True //self explanatory[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]heightMap = GameData/Muh/Textures/Oceania_height.png //Replace this with your file path[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]heightMapDeformity = -10 //how tall should the highest mountains be?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]heightMapOffset = -800 //If your planet has oceans, set this to a negative number. Play around until you get it right[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]scaleDeformityByRadius = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]vertexColorMap = GameData/Muh/Textures/Oceania_map.png //Replace this with your file path[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]seed = 101274 //change this to any random number[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]deformity = 300 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]octaves = 8 //how small do you want the bumps to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]frequency = 12[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]seed = 637926 //change this to any random number[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]deformity = 100 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]octaves = 3 //how small do you want the bumps to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]frequency = 0.8[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]deformity = 300 //Height of dunes or rolling hills on your planet. Looks good on Laythe or Kerbin like planets[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = True //if you want to, set this to true on an ocean planet. You don't need it otherwise[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False //don't know exactly what this does. It is another type of small-scale terrain bumpiness[/COLOR]

What version are you in? Also, try showing the Kopernicus Config. It may be there. What error message did you get?

Edited by ibuckshot5
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[COLOR=#333333]So I made a gas giant and I tried to make a ocean moon but it doesn't show up.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]Here is my Kittopia SaveLoad cfg[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Stock = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddAtmoFx = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddOceanFx = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]OceanLoadTextures = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]UnlitOcean = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]ModScaledAtmoShader = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddRings = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]AddParticles = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]DisableOrbitRenderer = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmosphereContainsOxygen = True //self explanatory, allows jet engines to work[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]pressureMultiplier = 4 //how thick the atmosphere is at sea level[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]altitudeMultiplier = 2 //how quickly does the atmosphere get thinner with altitude (higher number = thicker)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //does nothing, I think[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmosphereMultiplier = 1 //set this the same as pressureMultiplier[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]maxAtmosphereAltitude = 90000 //determines what the game says is the atmosphere height (in meters)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.3 //actually determines atmosphere height (Kerbin is 5, Duna is 3, Eve is 7. Decimals are allowed but not shown in game)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]ocean = True //self explanatory[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]heightMap = GameData/Muh/Textures/Oceania_height.png //Replace this with your file path[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]heightMapDeformity = -10 //how tall should the highest mountains be?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]heightMapOffset = -800 //If your planet has oceans, set this to a negative number. Play around until you get it right[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]scaleDeformityByRadius = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]vertexColorMap = GameData/Muh/Textures/Oceania_map.png //Replace this with your file path[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]seed = 101274 //change this to any random number[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]deformity = 300 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]octaves = 8 //how small do you want the bumps to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]frequency = 12[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]seed = 637926 //change this to any random number[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]deformity = 100 //how bumpy do you want the ground to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]octaves = 3 //how small do you want the bumps to be[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]persistence = 0.5 //don't know what these do, you can try changing them and see what happens[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]frequency = 0.8[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]deformity = 300 //Height of dunes or rolling hills on your planet. Looks good on Laythe or Kerbin like planets[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = True //if you want to, set this to true on an ocean planet. You don't need it otherwise[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]modEnabled = False //don't know exactly what this does. It is another type of small-scale terrain bumpiness[/COLOR]

What version are you in? Also, try showing the Kopernicus Config. It may be there. What error message did you get?

Here it is:

 Body        {
name = Oceania //change to the name of your planet
flightGlobalsIndex = 1235 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs
name = Laythe //Don't change this! Duna and Eve have hard coded colors, so they make bad templates. Use Laythe even if your planet doesn't have oceans.
description = The description is what shows up in the information box in map view. Change this text to whatever you want.
radius = 500000 //How big is the planet? Laythe is 500000, keeping this number makes clouds easier to use
geeASL = 0.9 //Gravity at sea level. Kerbin is 1, of course
timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 90000 90000 90000 100000 200000 400000 800000 //altitudes that time warp can be used at, in meters. Time warps are x1, x5, x10, x50, x100, x1000, x10000, and x100000

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach or to land on, return from.
landedDataValue = 10 //Duna = 8, Laythe = 14
flyingLowDataValue = 9 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 11
flyingHighDataValue = 8.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 10
inSpaceLowDataValue = 8 //Duna = 7, Laythe = 9
inSpaceHighDataValue = 7.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 8
recoveryValue = 8
flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000 //limit between "flying at TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "TutPlanetAtmosphere's upper atmosphere"
spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000 //limit between "space near TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "space high above TutPlanetAtmosphere"
referenceBody = Urania //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.
color = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1 //RGB color of the orbit line
inclination = 0.5 //inclination in degrees
eccentricity = 0.03 //eccentricity of orbit, don't set this higher than 0.1 especially for large planets
semiMajorAxis = 15696410 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Kerbin's
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60 //change to whatever you want
argumentOfPeriapsis = 25 //change to whatever you want
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
texture = Muh/Textures/Oceania_map //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"
normals = Muh/Textures/Oceania_normal //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space
0.0 = 0.80,0.70,0.65,1
0.6 = 0.10,0.08,0.08,1
1.0 = 0.02,0.02,0.01,1
rimPower = 2 //Higher for thicker atmospheres
rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change
ScaleHeight = 7.3 //same as in Kittopia
ContainsOxygen = True //same as in Kittopia
maxAltitude = 90000 //same as in Kittopia
Multiplier = 1 //same as in Kittopia
lightColor = 0.68, 0.70, 0.75, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB
ambientColor = 0.35, 0.325, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on landed/flying spaceships.


I did not get an error message

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Here it is:

 Body        {
name = Oceania //change to the name of your planet
flightGlobalsIndex = 1235 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs
name = Laythe //Don't change this! Duna and Eve have hard coded colors, so they make bad templates. Use Laythe even if your planet doesn't have oceans.
description = The description is what shows up in the information box in map view. Change this text to whatever you want.
radius = 500000 //How big is the planet? Laythe is 500000, keeping this number makes clouds easier to use
geeASL = 0.9 //Gravity at sea level. Kerbin is 1, of course
timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 90000 90000 90000 100000 200000 400000 800000 //altitudes that time warp can be used at, in meters. Time warps are x1, x5, x10, x50, x100, x1000, x10000, and x100000

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach or to land on, return from.
landedDataValue = 10 //Duna = 8, Laythe = 14
flyingLowDataValue = 9 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 11
flyingHighDataValue = 8.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 10
inSpaceLowDataValue = 8 //Duna = 7, Laythe = 9
inSpaceHighDataValue = 7.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 8
recoveryValue = 8
flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000 //limit between "flying at TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "TutPlanetAtmosphere's upper atmosphere"
spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000 //limit between "space near TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "space high above TutPlanetAtmosphere"
referenceBody = Urania //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.
color = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1 //RGB color of the orbit line
inclination = 0.5 //inclination in degrees
eccentricity = 0.03 //eccentricity of orbit, don't set this higher than 0.1 especially for large planets
semiMajorAxis = 15696410 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Kerbin's
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60 //change to whatever you want
argumentOfPeriapsis = 25 //change to whatever you want
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change
texture = Muh/Textures/Oceania_map //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"
normals = Muh/Textures/Oceania_normal //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space
0.0 = 0.80,0.70,0.65,1
0.6 = 0.10,0.08,0.08,1
1.0 = 0.02,0.02,0.01,1
rimPower = 2 //Higher for thicker atmospheres
rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change
ScaleHeight = 7.3 //same as in Kittopia
ContainsOxygen = True //same as in Kittopia
maxAltitude = 90000 //same as in Kittopia
Multiplier = 1 //same as in Kittopia
lightColor = 0.68, 0.70, 0.75, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB
ambientColor = 0.35, 0.325, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on landed/flying spaceships.


I did not get an error message

Version 1.0 uses a new atmospheric format. If you are on 1.0, use Kopernicus 0.09 instead.

Also, Try putting @Kopernicus at the top of your code if you haven't already done that

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I have created 2 planets, a gas giant named Haswell, and a smaller, mars-like moon called Nehalem. Nehalem always shows up orbiting Haswell, but at a negative altitude, inside the planet. I will post my .cfg files for both planets in Kopernicus and Kittopia. Also for some reason when I zoom in on Haswell, there is this strange green ring around it.

Haswell CFG





name = Haswell

flightGlobalsIndex = 1000



name = Jool



description = Haswell is considered a sister planet to Jool, having a similar radius, a strange mix of blue, brown and white, and rings.

radius = 6200000

geeASL = 0.8



flyingLowDataValue = 25

flyingHighDataValue = 14

inSpaceLowDataValue = 12

inSpaceHighDataValue = 11

recoveryValue = 11

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 3500000





referenceBody = Sun

inclination = 3.5

eccentricity = 0.01

semiMajorAxis = 89669451239

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0

color = 0.372,0.058,0.725,1.0




ScaleHeight = 10

ContainsOxygen = False

maxAltitude = 150000

Multiplier = 22

TemperatureMultiplier = 22

lightColor = 0.372, 0.058, 0.725, 1.00

ambientColor = 0.45, 0.1, 0.8, 1.00






texture = Erebus/Textures/Haswell_map



0.0 = 0.243,0.435,0.650,1

0.6 = 0.164,0.042,0.583,1

1.0 = 0.101,0.015,0.302,1


rimPower = 3

rimBlend = 0.3





ScaleHeight = 5 //same as in Kittopia

ContainsOxygen = False //same as in Kittopia

maxAltitude = 60000 //same as in Kittopia

Multiplier = 1 //same as in Kittopia

lightColor = 0.243,0.435,0.65, 1.000

ambientColor = 0.2, 0.325, 0.4, 1.00




Haswell Kittopia CFG





Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = True





Tilt = 3

OuterRadius = 2500

InnerRadius = 1200

Colour = RGBA(0.243,0.435,0.65, 1.000)




Tilt = 3

OuterRadius = 2500

InnerRadius = 1200

Colour = RGBA(0.411,0.337,0.203, 1.000)




Tilt = 3

OuterRadius = 2500

InnerRadius = 1200

Colour = RGBA(1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.000)



AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False




pressureMultiplier = 5

altitudeMultiplier = 3

atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1

atmosphereMultiplier = 5

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 320000

atmosphereScaleHeight = 10



Nehalem CFG





name = Nehalem

flightGlobalsIndex = 1001



name = Laythe




description = Nehalem, a dusty red planet similar to Duna.

radius = 500000

geeASL = 0.8

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 60000 60000 60000 100000 200000 400000 800000



landedDataValue = 16 //Duna = 8, Laythe = 14

flyingLowDataValue = 13 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 11

flyingHighDataValue = 11 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 10 //Duna = 7, Laythe = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 11 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 8

recoveryValue = 8

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000





referenceBody = Haswell

color = 0.850,0.427,0.247,1

inclination = 3

eccentricity = 0.04

semiMajorAxis = 1563633

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60

argumentOfPeriapsis = 25

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0






texture = Erebus/Textures/Nehalem_map

normals = Erebus/Textures/Nehalem_normal



0.0 = 0.80,0.4,0.21,1

0.6 = 0.5,0.3,0.13,1

1.0 = 0.02,0.02,0.01,1


rimPower = 1

rimBlend = 0.3





ScaleHeight = 5

ContainsOxygen = False

maxAltitude = 60000

Multiplier = 1

lightColor = 0.68, 0.70, 0.75, 1.00

ambientColor = 0.35, 0.325, 0.30, 1.00




Nehalem Kittopia CFG





Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = False

AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False




atmosphereContainsOxygen = False

pressureMultiplier = .92

altitudeMultiplier = 1

atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1

atmosphereMultiplier = .92

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 60000

atmosphereScaleHeight = 5

ocean = False






modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




heightMap = GameData/Erebus/Textures/Nehalem_height.png

heightMapDeformity = 5000

heightMapOffset = 0

scaleDeformityByRadius = False




vertexColorMap = GameData/Erebus/Textures/Nehalem_map.png




seed = 101274

deformity = 300

octaves = 8

persistence = 0.5

frequency = 12




seed = 637926

deformity = 100

octaves = 3

persistence = 0.5

frequency = 0.8




deformity = 300




modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




modEnabled = False




atmosphereDepth = 60000

modEnabled = True





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I have 3 gas giants. 2 that are similar sizes to jool, and when i zoom very close to them in the map view and shake the camera, I see a green ring around the planet, even though I have set all colors of the planet to blue. Then I have a very large gas giant, more than double the radius of Jool, and when I zoom very close to it in the map view and shake the camera i see a red ring, even though all the colors are set to blue. I would really like this fixed as I do not like the planets being colors that I did not intend them to be.

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I have created a gas giant called krypton it's just a test that i am not going to release it to public but the planet doesn't show up on the map oh and i get an error missing maxAtmosphereAltitude in the debug menu

this is my Code :

this is for Kopernicus





name = Krypton //change to the name of your planet

flightGlobalsIndex = 1000 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs



name = Jool //all gas giants use Jool as template




description = This planet has swirly clouds and rings. Nice to look at but explosive to try to land on! Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 5504412 //Jool has radius 6000000

geeASL = 0.7 //surface gravity, Jool has 0.8. Keep in mind that since the planet is bigger, orbital velocity will be too.

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach.


flyingLowDataValue = 60 //big reward for flying low at a gas giant. Just a suggestion

flyingHighDataValue = 23

inSpaceLowDataValue = 19

inSpaceHighDataValue = 21

recoveryValue = 79

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 //limit between "flying at Krypton" and "Krypton's upper atmosphere"

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 3500000 //limit between "space near Krypton" and "space high above Krypton"





referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.

inclination = 3.3 //inclination in degrees

eccentricity = 0.01 //set this very close to zero for gas giants.

semiMajorAxis = 78773560320 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Jool's

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 //change to whatever you want

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 //change to whatever you want

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

color = 0.41,0.332,0.3,1.0 //RGB color of the orbit line




ScaleHeight = 10 //same as Kittopia for all of these

ContainsOxygen = False

maxAltitude = 160000

Multiplier = 22

TemperatureMultiplier = 22

lightColor = 0.70, 0.675, 0.65, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB

ambientColor = 0.41, 0.422, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on flying spaceships.






texture = InfinitySpace/Textures/Krypton_map //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space


0.0 = 0.243,0.435,0.650,1

0.6 = 0.164,0.042,0.583,1

1.0 = 0.101,0.015,0.302,1


rimPower = 3 //Higher for thicker atmospheres

rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change






name = TutAtmosphere //change to the name of your planet

flightGlobalsIndex = 1121 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs



name = Laythe //Don't change this! Duna and Eve have hard coded colors, so they make bad templates. Use Laythe even if your planet doesn't have oceans.




description = The description is what shows up in the information box in map view. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 500000 //How big is the planet? Laythe is 500000, keeping this number makes clouds easier to use

geeASL = 0.8 //Gravity at sea level. Kerbin is 1, of course

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 60000 60000 60000 100000 200000 400000 800000 //altitudes that time warp can be used at, in meters. Time warps are x1, x5, x10, x50, x100, x1000, x10000, and x100000

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach or to land on, return from.


landedDataValue = 10 //Duna = 8, Laythe = 14

flyingLowDataValue = 9 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 11

flyingHighDataValue = 8.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 8 //Duna = 7, Laythe = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 7.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 8

recoveryValue = 8

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000 //limit between "flying at TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "TutPlanetAtmosphere's upper atmosphere"

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000 //limit between "space near TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "space high above TutPlanetAtmosphere"





referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.

color = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1 //RGB color of the orbit line

inclination = 0.5 //inclination in degrees

eccentricity = 0.03 //eccentricity of orbit, don't set this higher than 0.1 especially for large planets

semiMajorAxis = 13599840256 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Kerbin's

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60 //change to whatever you want

argumentOfPeriapsis = 25 //change to whatever you want

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change






texture = InfinitySpace/Textures/ //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

normals = InfinitySpace/Textures/ //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space


0.0 = 0.80,0.70,0.65,1

0.6 = 0.10,0.08,0.08,1

1.0 = 0.02,0.02,0.01,1


rimPower = 1 //Higher for thicker atmospheres

rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change





ScaleHeight = 5 //same as in Kittopia

ContainsOxygen = False //same as in Kittopia

maxAltitude = 60000 //same as in Kittopia

Multiplier = 1 //same as in Kittopia

lightColor = 0.68, 0.70, 0.75, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB

ambientColor = 0.35, 0.325, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on landed/flying spaceships.





name = TutLargeMoon

flightGlobalsIndex = 1235 //Don't forget to make this number different from your other planets!



name = Tylo //keep this for any moon or planet with a heightmap and no atmosphere




description = TutLargeMoon could be a planet, too, if that planet didn't have an atmosphere. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 300000

geeASL = 0.5



landedDataValue = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 8.5

recoveryValue = 9

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 80000





referenceBody = TutPlanetAtmosphere //you can have your moons orbiting your planets

color = 1,1,1,1

inclination = 0.3

eccentricity = 0.05

semiMajorAxis = 12000000 //this is the Mun's SMA

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60

argumentOfPeriapsis = 25

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0






texture = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutLargeMoon_map

normals = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutLargeMoon_normal






name = TutAsteroidMoon

flightGlobalsIndex = 1236



name = Gilly //keep this as is, other small moons (Minmus, Dres, Bop, Pol) use different height characteristics




description = If you squint really really hard in your telescope, you can see it. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 20000 //You can have a really tiny asteroid if you want. Kopernicus will still work if this number is as low as 100 meters

geeASL = 0.04 //don't set this too low, or the body will have an SOI that's too small. Gilly = 0.03

tidallyLocked = True //If the same side of the moon always faces the body it's orbiting, it's tidally locked. Examples include the Moon in real life, and the Mun in KSP.



landedDataValue = 12

inSpaceLowDataValue = 10

inSpaceHighDataValue = 9.5

recoveryValue = 10

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 15000





referenceBody = Jool //You can also add moons to the stock planets, for example, Jool.

color = 0.9,0.8,0.7,1

inclination = 20 //Don't be afraid to set high inclinations or eccentricities for asteroids, this makes them more of a challenge to get to!

eccentricity = 0.1

semiMajorAxis = 250000000 //this is about twice Bop's SMA.

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0






texture = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutAsteroidMoon_map

normals = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutAsteroidMoon_normal





and this is for kittopia :

PlanetKrypton //keep Planet here, it's PlanetKrypton




Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = True //of course if you don't want rings you can leave this out





Tilt = 3 //note if you have a tilt of 0 and a low inclination of your orbit, your rings may appear black.

OuterRadius = 1200 //in kilometers measured from the center of the planet

InnerRadius = 800

Colour = RGBA(0.7,0.675,0.65, 1.000) //self explanatory color of the ring.


Ring //you can add as many rings as you want.


Tilt = 3 //Tilted rings spin at the same rate as the planet's rotation period

OuterRadius = 1200

InnerRadius = 800

Colour = RGBA(0.65,0.625,0.6, 1.000)



AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False




pressureMultiplier = 22 //atmospheric pressure at 0m altitude

altitudeMultiplier = 3 //how quickly the atmosphere becomes thinner. Higher numbers mean upper atmosphere is thicker

atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //not sure if this has any game effect. May overheat craft in the lower atmosphere

atmosphereMultiplier = 5 //same as pressure multiplier

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 167000 //what it shows in map info as the max altitude

atmosphereScaleHeight = 10 //what actually determines max atmosphere altitude. Higher numbers mean atmosphere is taller




Edited by LividPumpkin
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I have created a gas giant called krypton it's just a test that i am not going to release it to public but the planet doesn't show up on the map oh and i get an error missing maxAtmosphereAltitude in the debug menu

this is my Code :

this is for Kopernicus





name = Krypton //change to the name of your planet

flightGlobalsIndex = 1000 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs



name = Jool //all gas giants use Jool as template




description = This planet has swirly clouds and rings. Nice to look at but explosive to try to land on! Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 5504412 //Jool has radius 6000000

geeASL = 0.7 //surface gravity, Jool has 0.8. Keep in mind that since the planet is bigger, orbital velocity will be too.

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach.


flyingLowDataValue = 60 //big reward for flying low at a gas giant. Just a suggestion

flyingHighDataValue = 23

inSpaceLowDataValue = 19

inSpaceHighDataValue = 21

recoveryValue = 79

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 100000 //limit between "flying at Krypton" and "Krypton's upper atmosphere"

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 3500000 //limit between "space near Krypton" and "space high above Krypton"





referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.

inclination = 3.3 //inclination in degrees

eccentricity = 0.01 //set this very close to zero for gas giants.

semiMajorAxis = 78773560320 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Jool's

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0 //change to whatever you want

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 //change to whatever you want

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

color = 0.41,0.332,0.3,1.0 //RGB color of the orbit line




ScaleHeight = 10 //same as Kittopia for all of these

ContainsOxygen = False

maxAltitude = 160000

Multiplier = 22

TemperatureMultiplier = 22

lightColor = 0.70, 0.675, 0.65, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB

ambientColor = 0.41, 0.422, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on flying spaceships.






texture = InfinitySpace/Textures/Krypton_map //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space


0.0 = 0.243,0.435,0.650,1

0.6 = 0.164,0.042,0.583,1

1.0 = 0.101,0.015,0.302,1


rimPower = 3 //Higher for thicker atmospheres

rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change






name = TutAtmosphere //change to the name of your planet

flightGlobalsIndex = 1121 //change to any number, not too big. Avoid numbers used by other planet packs



name = Laythe //Don't change this! Duna and Eve have hard coded colors, so they make bad templates. Use Laythe even if your planet doesn't have oceans.




description = The description is what shows up in the information box in map view. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 500000 //How big is the planet? Laythe is 500000, keeping this number makes clouds easier to use

geeASL = 0.8 //Gravity at sea level. Kerbin is 1, of course

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 60000 60000 60000 100000 200000 400000 800000 //altitudes that time warp can be used at, in meters. Time warps are x1, x5, x10, x50, x100, x1000, x10000, and x100000

ScienceValues //Higher values mean more science. Increase these for planets that are hard to reach or to land on, return from.


landedDataValue = 10 //Duna = 8, Laythe = 14

flyingLowDataValue = 9 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 11

flyingHighDataValue = 8.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 8 //Duna = 7, Laythe = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 7.5 //Duna = 5, Laythe = 8

recoveryValue = 8

flyingAltitudeThreshold = 20000 //limit between "flying at TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "TutPlanetAtmosphere's upper atmosphere"

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 200000 //limit between "space near TutPlanetAtmosphere" and "space high above TutPlanetAtmosphere"





referenceBody = Sun //what body does it orbit? DO NOT write Kerbol, the sun is called Sun in game. All other bodies use their names.

color = 0.5,0.5,0.5,1 //RGB color of the orbit line

inclination = 0.5 //inclination in degrees

eccentricity = 0.03 //eccentricity of orbit, don't set this higher than 0.1 especially for large planets

semiMajorAxis = 13599840256 //how far the planet is from the sun. This number is Kerbin's

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60 //change to whatever you want

argumentOfPeriapsis = 25 //change to whatever you want

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change

epoch = 0 //Determines where the planet starts at day 0. Probably don't change






texture = InfinitySpace/Textures/ //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

normals = InfinitySpace/Textures/ //change to your file path. Don't include "GameData/" or ".png"

Gradient //atmospheric gradient in map view. 0.0 is surface, 1.0 is edge of space


0.0 = 0.80,0.70,0.65,1

0.6 = 0.10,0.08,0.08,1

1.0 = 0.02,0.02,0.01,1


rimPower = 1 //Higher for thicker atmospheres

rimBlend = 0.3 //don't change





ScaleHeight = 5 //same as in Kittopia

ContainsOxygen = False //same as in Kittopia

maxAltitude = 60000 //same as in Kittopia

Multiplier = 1 //same as in Kittopia

lightColor = 0.68, 0.70, 0.75, 1.00 //(1 divided by color) of the atmosphere at the surface. Lower numbers mean more of that color. RGB

ambientColor = 0.35, 0.325, 0.30, 1.00 //RGB of color the atmosphere shines on landed/flying spaceships.





name = TutLargeMoon

flightGlobalsIndex = 1235 //Don't forget to make this number different from your other planets!



name = Tylo //keep this for any moon or planet with a heightmap and no atmosphere




description = TutLargeMoon could be a planet, too, if that planet didn't have an atmosphere. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 300000

geeASL = 0.5



landedDataValue = 10

inSpaceLowDataValue = 9

inSpaceHighDataValue = 8.5

recoveryValue = 9

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 80000





referenceBody = TutPlanetAtmosphere //you can have your moons orbiting your planets

color = 1,1,1,1

inclination = 0.3

eccentricity = 0.05

semiMajorAxis = 12000000 //this is the Mun's SMA

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 60

argumentOfPeriapsis = 25

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0






texture = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutLargeMoon_map

normals = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutLargeMoon_normal






name = TutAsteroidMoon

flightGlobalsIndex = 1236



name = Gilly //keep this as is, other small moons (Minmus, Dres, Bop, Pol) use different height characteristics




description = If you squint really really hard in your telescope, you can see it. Change this text to whatever you want.

radius = 20000 //You can have a really tiny asteroid if you want. Kopernicus will still work if this number is as low as 100 meters

geeASL = 0.04 //don't set this too low, or the body will have an SOI that's too small. Gilly = 0.03

tidallyLocked = True //If the same side of the moon always faces the body it's orbiting, it's tidally locked. Examples include the Moon in real life, and the Mun in KSP.



landedDataValue = 12

inSpaceLowDataValue = 10

inSpaceHighDataValue = 9.5

recoveryValue = 10

spaceAltitudeThreshold = 15000





referenceBody = Jool //You can also add moons to the stock planets, for example, Jool.

color = 0.9,0.8,0.7,1

inclination = 20 //Don't be afraid to set high inclinations or eccentricities for asteroids, this makes them more of a challenge to get to!

eccentricity = 0.1

semiMajorAxis = 250000000 //this is about twice Bop's SMA.

longitudeOfAscendingNode = 55

argumentOfPeriapsis = 0

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0

epoch = 0






texture = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutAsteroidMoon_map

normals = YourPlanetPack/Textures/TutAsteroidMoon_normal





and this is for kittopia :

PlanetKrypton //keep Planet here, it's PlanetKrypton




Stock = False

AddAtmoFx = False

AddOceanFx = False

OceanLoadTextures = False

UnlitOcean = False

ModScaledAtmoShader = False

AddRings = True //of course if you don't want rings you can leave this out





Tilt = 3 //note if you have a tilt of 0 and a low inclination of your orbit, your rings may appear black.

OuterRadius = 1200 //in kilometers measured from the center of the planet

InnerRadius = 800

Colour = RGBA(0.7,0.675,0.65, 1.000) //self explanatory color of the ring.


Ring //you can add as many rings as you want.


Tilt = 3 //Tilted rings spin at the same rate as the planet's rotation period

OuterRadius = 1200

InnerRadius = 800

Colour = RGBA(0.65,0.625,0.6, 1.000)



AddParticles = False

DisableOrbitRenderer = False




pressureMultiplier = 22 //atmospheric pressure at 0m altitude

altitudeMultiplier = 3 //how quickly the atmosphere becomes thinner. Higher numbers mean upper atmosphere is thicker

atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier = 1 //not sure if this has any game effect. May overheat craft in the lower atmosphere

atmosphereMultiplier = 5 //same as pressure multiplier

maxAtmosphereAltitude = 167000 //what it shows in map info as the max altitude

atmosphereScaleHeight = 10 //what actually determines max atmosphere altitude. Higher numbers mean atmosphere is taller




the Atmosphere Planet model doesn't really work with 1.0.2. Try normal Kopernicus, it may help.

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Hey would anyone know how to tweak the rotational period??

Yes, you type this in the Properties tab in the code:

rotates = true
tidallyLocked = false
rotationPeriod = 86400

For rotationPeriod, type a number which sets the rotation (it is in seconds)

I have 3 gas giants. 2 that are similar sizes to jool, and when i zoom very close to them in the map view and shake the camera, I see a green ring around the planet, even though I have set all colors of the planet to blue. Then I have a very large gas giant, more than double the radius of Jool, and when I zoom very close to it in the map view and shake the camera i see a red ring, even though all the colors are set to blue. I would really like this fixed as I do not like the planets being colors that I did not intend them to be.

Atmosphere color is inverted (for some crazy reason) and if you want a blue atmosphere you type this code:

lightColor = 0.666,0.666,0.333,1

and for a red atmosphere, type this:

lightColor = 0.333,0.666,0.666,1

These are both examples, but they work fine. I think.

You can just change atmosphere in-game with Kittopia, anyways.

Edited by ibuckshot5
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