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Thinking of setting up my own RP forum, what do you think?


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I\'m not going to have ads on the site.

I\'m actually using forumotion to set up the forum, a free hosting client.

Ok, I didn\'t put ads on the site, I paid for an ad.

That is why I have never done that for one of my blogs...

Also, give us the forum name so we can get it from the directory when your done.

I don\'t think you can give a link to the forums from here.

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It is called the Caatena Roleplaying Forum on forumotion.

How do you know that I can\'t give a link from here?

Off forum rule.

Of course, I\'m not sure so ask a mod if you can share the link.

Also are forums up/public?

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Congratulations, love the map, was going to ask about rivers but saw that you just can\'t see since its as twice as earth. Oh and I rememwbr reserving a moderator spot on your forums? Pretty please?*flutterhy voice :that\'s If, if you don\'t mind?

Mind sending a link in PM?

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Actually, guys, I\'m not sure if this counts as advertising an off-forum feature...

I mean, I know I\'m not posting the link here, but I think it might do.

If it does, can a mod confirm this?

Since it\'s KSP related I don\'t see any problems. What we don\'t want are people advertising products or services.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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Since it\'s KSP related I don\'t see any problems. What we don\'t want are people advertising products or services.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Well, it\'s on a different planet, but it does have kerbals...


Does that mean I can post the link?

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